The Department of Journalism and Communication at Makerere University will host this year's Annual Media Convention to discuss the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in enhancing development in the country and region.
The Conference is expected to attract practitioners, scholars, policy makers, researchers and students in the field of journalism and communication as well as institutions, civil society organizations, Government regulatory bodies and corporates actively engaged in ICTs, Journalism and Communication. The convention shall provide opportunities for members to share and gather experiences for improving and advancing Journalism and communication with a critical focus on the role played by the new media.
Theme: “New media, ICT and Development”: Driving a new era of productivity and growth of Journalism and communication in the East African region.”
The keynote will be delivered by Engineer Godfrey Mutabaazi, Executive Director of the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC).
Guest of Honour - Hon. David Bahati, Minister of State for Planning - Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development
See Final Programme below