Call for Abstracts - Humanities and Social Sciences Symposium 2019

Humanities and Social Sciences Symposium 2019

Theme: A New East African: Agency and Identity Debates

In 2018, CHUSS hosted the first Humanities and Social Sciences Symposium with the resolve that this intervention would become an annual academic event in the College. The symposia series are organized in line with the College’s mandate, to among other issues foster a vibrant academic environment in the university and the country that can promote intellectual debate and knowledge production in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences. Consequently, the 2018 symposium brought together the region’s Humanities and Social Sciences scholars to debate issues affecting the Eastern African polity in the Fourth Industrial milieu. The central thesis of the discourse focused on the new tools and methods needed to interrogate the new world order ruled by information technology.

The 2019 CHUSS Symposium takes major shifts in the East African society that have occurred in the last two decades as its point of departure in order to explore how agency and identity of the regions subjects have morphed during this period.

The Organizing Committee of the 2019 Humanities and Social Sciences Symposium invites abstracts on the theme, “A New East African: Agency and Identity Debates”

Abstract of not more than 200 words should be submitted to by Friday 19 April 2019. Accepted papers should be ready for presentation on the 15th May 2019. The authors of selected papers will be asked to revise their papers before submission for publication in a special issue of MAWAZO.

See full call below

Wednesday, May 15, 2019 - 08:00 to Thursday, May 16, 2019 - 05:00
Event Venue: 
Makerere University Main Hall
Contact Information: 
1. Dr. Mugumya Levis, Chair of the Organizing Committee/Tel: +256772475807/+256702475807 2. Dr Edgar Nabutanyi, Member of the Organizing Committee/Tel: +256772971204/Email: