You are acordially invited to a one day "Water is Life" (WIL/Amazzibulamu) end of project conference, The project which explores issues of water and sustainable development is a partnership between Irish University and Makerere University (Development Studies), and was undertaken in Makonda -Masaka District. The project enhanced out-reach, and funded 8 PhD students from Makerere University, most of who have completed and will be sharing with us their projects, The project also supported the design of masters in Development Studies, which awaits approval by the College Board.
Development Studies will be most grateful for your presence at the conference which is scheduled on , 19th February, 2014 in the Gender and Women Studies Conference Hall starting at 9,00 am.
Your presence is highly appreciated
Dr. Asiimwe B. Godfrey
WIL Co-ordinator & Chair, Development Studies
Attached is the programme