The Makerere University Centennial Poetry Competition, 2021

Established in 1922, Makerere University will in 2022 celebrate 100 years of existence. To celebrate this anniversary, the Department of Literature, Makerere University seeks poetry entries for a competition titled "The Makerere University Centennial Poetry Competition, 2021". The entries should show how far Makerere University has come and its place in teaching, research and community outreach. They should explore the uniqueness of the University and any other additional ideas, drawing on its history and current state. They should also show how an interaction between the academy and the community it serves can be fostered for the next 100 years of Makerere University's existence.

***Deadline for entries - 31st August 2021 ***Submit to:

***See details on awards, timelines as well as terms and conditions in the attachment below

Tuesday, August 31, 2021 - 04:00
Event Venue: 
Department of Literature, Makerere University
Contact Information: 
Mr. Isaac Tibasiima, Department of Literature, Makerere University/ Email: