The Dean, School of Languages, Literature and Communication invites you all to Mr. Wandera Samuel's PhD defense scheduled for Friday, 5th March 2021 at 2:00pmĀ in Lecture Room 1, Arts Building.
Thesis title: The Acquisition of Intercultural Competence: A Case Study of French Beginners at Makerere University
Supervisors: Dr Edith Natukunda - Togboa and Dr Enoch Sebuyungo
Link for online attendance
Meeting ID: 945 0582 2601
Passcode: 942931
See abstract below
Friday, March 5, 2021 - 02:00
Event Venue:
E-Learning Room, CTF 1, Level 4
Contact Information:
Dr Saudah Namyalo, Dean School of Languages, Literature and Communication/Email: +256754433604