Spanish Pedagogical Day

Spanish is a relatively new subject at Makerere though this is the only University offering it for adult beginners in Uganda. Little information is currently available on the benefits of Spanish Language and on the employability potential for Spanish Graduates.

Since the approval of the Subject in 2014, Spanish has not had a public launching informing the Secondary Education Sector of its relevance in the current continental and global job market as well as its utility in development. The Department of European and Oriental Languages (DEOL) has therefore organized a Spanish Pedagogical Day at Makerere University on 13th September 2019 so as to formally launch the Spanish Subject. Activities to mark the Day will take place in CTF1 starting at 2:00pm and will be presided over by representatives from the Spanish Embassy in Uganda.

You are all invited to participate in activities to mark the day.

Friday, September 13, 2019 - 02:00
Event Venue: 
Central Teaching Facility 1 (CTF1) near School of Social Sciences
Contact Information: 
Dr Edith Natukunda - Togboa, Head, Dept. of European & Oriental Languages, CHUSS, Makerere University/Tel: +256414530106/ Email: