The French Embassy through the French for Special Purposes and Innovation (FSPI) programme, has donated pedagogical equipment for online teaching to Makerere University.
Under the French for Special Purposes and Innovation (FSPI) programme, the French Embassy has signed an MOU with Makerere University to support Teacher re-training, Students online learning and French Club activities as well as improving Pedagogical Technology. This was a programme from 2020 up to 2022. In the two years, the French government through its Embassy in Uganda and its Cultural and Educational Departments has supported these FSPI activities. Makerere University, and specifically the Department of European and Oriental Languages, under the College of Humanities would like to express utmost appreciation for this outstanding support worth $ 50,000 to international Language Learning.
Related: http://chuss.mak.ac.ug/news/mak-launches-ma-french-language-studies