Makerere university's Poet and Literary scholar, Associate Professor Susan Kiguli, has made it again. Of recent, (on 25 October 2023) Dr. Kiguli received the Lifetime Achievement Award in Italy at the Vercelli Seminar becoming the first Black African recipient.
During that award ceremony in Italy, Dr. Kiguli launched her book. This book has won her a new prize called, the "Ali sul Mediterraneo Libri & Cultura” international award.
Communication from Roberto Cicala (publisher) to Prof. Kiguli dated 16th November 2023 reads in part:
"Dear Susan, Dear Antonella, I am pleased to announce that our _Terre che piangono_ has won the “Ali sul Mediterraneo Libri & Cultura” International Award.
The awards ceremony will take place on Saturday 2 December in San Pietro a Maida "City of olive oil" (Catanzaro, Southern Italy) at 6pm... but it can also be brought forward.
Naturally it is not possible to participate in the awards ceremony in person, but the organizers ask for a live streaming connection (Zoom), if possible...", Roberto Cicala wrote in an email.
Sharing the news, Dr. Kiguli said,
"We can only thank God for this . I am still taking in the news. The award ceremony will be by Zoom on 2nd December, 2023. The reasons for the book winning the prize are in Italian so I need to ask my friend Antonella to translate!". Kiguli said.
As Chussians, we celebrate and congratulate you Dr. Susan Kiguli for lifting Makerere University's flag very high.
Read more about Susan Nalugwa Kiguli
- (https://chuss.mak.ac.ug/news/ugandan-poet-dr-susan-kiguli-receives-lifetime-achievement-award-italy)
- https://www.newvision.co.ug/category/news/makereres-susan-kiguli-gets-lifetime-achievem-NV_173827
- https://www.crossingborders-stimmenafrikas.de/en/gaeste/prof-susan-kigul...
- https://www.africanbookscollective.com/authors-editors/susan-n.-kigul
- https://literaturfestival.com/en/authors/susan-kiguli/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_Nalugwa_Kiguli