Rev. Sister Dr. Dominic Dipio, an Associate Professor of Literature and Head,Department of Literature, School of Languages, Literature and Communication,College of Humanities and Social Sciences has been appointed as one of several men and women consultants of the Pontifical Council for Social Communication.
According to a statement posted on the Uganda Episcopal Conference (UEC) Website, Sr. Dipio who is also a member of the UEC Social Communications Commission was appointed on 29th December 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI. She will form part of the team that will be responsible for using Social Media to spread the gospel.
The appointment comes in line with the Roman Catholic Church’s move to adapt to new ways of reaching her congregation given the widespread usage of social media like facebook and twitter as means of communication.
In reaction to the appointment, Rev. Sister Dr. Dominic Dipio reiterated her commitment to serve the Church.
“This is an office of trust and confidence, which I humbly accept as a great honour and privilege. I welcome this opportunity to continue serving the Church and avail my services and competencies in this.”
Sr Dipio will be serving with four cardinals on the Pontifical Council for Social Communications. They include Cardinal Josip Bozanic, Archbishop of Zagreb; Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay; Cardinal John Njue, Archbishop of Nairobi; and Cardinal Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya, Archbishop of Kinshasa.
Sr Dipio is renowned for her feature films on Ugandan folklore and her passion for cultural film production and research. She received the nomination to become the first African Studies Association’s (ASA) Presidential Scholar, which also accorded her a trip to New Jersey and San Francisco States of the US, from 5th to 27th November 2010.
Before attending the Associations meeting in San Francisco from 18th to 21 November, Dr. Dipio was hosted at Rutgers University by the Center for African Studies, where she gave a lecture in an African Studies Writer’s class titled, Rendition of History in Goretti Kyomuhendo’s Novel, Waiting (2007). She also screened her film, Crafting the Bamasaba, which completely captivated her audience.