Philosophy summer school discusses global inequality

The Department of Philosophy, Makerere University in conjunction with the Centre for Applied Ethics at the University of Zurich in Switzerland held a three-day Participants from Makerere University and the University of Zurich(25th-27th January) summer school to deliberate on human rights and global inequality.  The summer school is an activity within the broader framework of an MoU between the two institutions signed in 2008. It is held annually at Makerere University with support from the University of Zurich. During the event, several papers relating to the theme are presented by staff and students from the collaborating institutions. This year’s theme was; “Human Rights and Global Inequality”.

Papers presented during the 2016 summer school

  1. Market Economy and Human Rights in Developing Countries: Global Inequality Discourse – Dr Wilfred Lajul
  2. Human Rights and Human Dignity – Peter Schaber
  3. Negative Duties and Freedom of Information – Claire Plassard
  4. The Lordship Bondage Dialectic and an Equitable International Order – Prof. Edward Wamala
  5. Reconciling Rawlsian and Nozickian views on Justice and Poverty: Is fairness possible amidst arbitrary talents and abilities? – Dr Kanakulya Dickson
  6. Is Neo-liberalism compatible with International Human Rights? – Kizito Michael G
  7. Affirmative Action as a Response to Inequality: A Critique – Assoc. Prof. Rukooko A.B
  8. Human Rights: Do We Need a Definition? – George Brun
  9. What does Global Distributive Justice Require? Reflections on the Obligations of the global poor towards global health equity – Mr Barugahare John
  10. Epistemic Justice: Hermeneutical Injustice – Susanne Richli
  11. Richard Rorty on Human Rights – Andrea Rechsteiner

Note: Those interested in full papers can get them from the Head, Department of Philosophy, Dr Lajul Wilfred - Email:


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