Research Dissemination Seminar – "National Symbols and Values: Implications for Patriotism and National Development"

This is to cordially invite you to participate in the aforementioned research dissemination workshop scheduled to take place on Thursday, 25th February 2021 starting at 9:00am in Senate Conference Hall, Level 4. The project is supported by the Government of Uganda through the Makerere Research and Innovations (Mak-RIF). “National Symbols and Values: Implications for Patriotism and National Development” is a multi-year project, with this dissemination concluding the first year of the project actives. The project aims at building a conscious, knowledgeable and participatory citizenry that lives by the national values with patriotic consciousness and practice at both individual and national levels.



**Principal Investigator - Dr. Paddy Musana (Department of Religion and Peace Studies, Makerere University)

**Co-investigators: Assistant Commissioner JJ Bakalikirwa of the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance, Ms. Naomi Namanya (Department of Religion and Peace Studies, Makerere University), Dr. Marion Alina (Department of Journalism and Communications, Makerere University). Research Assistants Mr. Nelson Bahati, Ms. Mary Tweheise, and Shedrack Enzama. The project is coordinated by Ms. Catherine Nankya.



Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.



The dissemination workshop will entail presentation of findings from representative areas of the country’s four sub-regions; Gulu (Northern sub-region), Soroti (Eastern sub-region), Mukono (Central sub-region) and Kyenjojo (Western sub-region), and also from media practitioners. These findings follow interactions between the project team and key stakeholders, who shared their views on the understanding and appreciation of four key national symbols; the flag, anthem, court of arms and the 1995 constitution. In addition, the discussions entailed an analysis of the country’s core values of unity, peace, equality, democracy, freedom, social justice and progress as laid down in the preamble of the constitution.

The research dissemination workshop will therefore present another opportunity for participants to further appreciate the aforementioned symbols and values in relation to patriotism and national development.

Programme and event flyer attached below

Thursday, February 25, 2021 - 09:00
Event Venue: 
Senate Conference Hall, Senate Building, Level 4
Contact Information: 
Dr Paddy Musana, Lecturer, Department of Religion and Peace Studies/Email: +256772457725/ Dr Marion Alina, Lecturer, Department of Journalism and Communication/ Email: Tel: +256772922777