

Display of Graduation Lists

The University Senate at the Continuation of the 161st meeting held on 16th May 2018, agreed to follow the academic Timelines below leading to the 69th Graduation Cereminy in January 2019

Monday, September 17, 2018 - 08:30 to Friday, September 28, 2018 - 17:00
Event Venue: 
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Contact Information: 
College Registrar

College Board Meetings

The University Senate at the Continuation of the 161st meeting held on 16th May 2018, agreed to follow the academic Timelines below leading to the 69th Graduation Cereminy in January 2019

Monday, August 27, 2018 - 08:30 to Friday, September 14, 2018 - 17:00
Event Venue: 
CHUSS Resource Center
Contact Information: 
College Registrar

End of External Examination

The University Senate at the Continuation of the 161st meeting held on 16th May 2018, agreed to follow the academic Timelines below leading to the 69th Graduation Cereminy in January 2019

External Examination (10 Weeks)

19th MAY -  28th July 2018 

Saturday, July 28, 2018 - 23:00
Event Venue: 
Makerere University
Contact Information: 
Academic Registrar

Invitation to 2nd CHUSS seminar

This is to invite you to the second CHUSS seminar scheduled to take place on 27th April, 2018.

Presenter:    Dr. Virginie Tallio, Research Fellow, Makerere Institute of Social Research (MISR)

Topic:   Public Health and State Building in Post-War Context. The use of Vaccination Policies in the Huambo Province (Angola)

Dr Virginie Tallio explores how public health policies are used by the State to (re)gain legitimacy, taking the example of vaccination policies in Angola.

Angola was torn by a civil war for more than thirty years and the government has deployed diverse strategies to reconquer the country, understood both as territory and population. Dr Tallio analyzes how vaccination programs have been successful in that respect. Four non-medical purposes of vaccination policies, respectively to map the territory, to regulate the nurse, to create and discipline motherhood, and to integrate the Angolan health system into the global one, are emphasized in order to understand the processes leading to an embodiment of the Nation.

This seminar transcends Gender studies, Post-conflicts studies, and Medical anthropology.

Friday, April 27, 2018 - 02:00
Event Venue: 
Conference Hall, School of Women and Gender Studies
Contact Information: 
Dr Sarah Ssali, Dean School of Women and Gender Studies, Coordinator CHUSS Lunchtime Seminar Series/ Email:

CHUSS SEMINAR SERIES: Charcoal Power: The Political Violence of Non-Fossil Fuel in Uganda



Presenter:    Dr. Adam Branch


                        Centre of African Studies,

                        University of Cambridge, UK

Date: Friday 13th April 2018                                   Time: 12.30 pm – 2.30pm

Venue: Conference Hall, School of Women and Gender Studies

Title: Charcoal Power: The Political Violence of Non-Fossil Fuel in Uganda

The politics of global energy are subject to increasing academic interest. Most work focuses on oil, based upon a normative vision of an energy modernity of fossil fuels and a coming transition to renewable energy. In most African countries, however, the most prevalent source of energy is not oil, but woodfuel. Charcoal is of particular importance due to its centrality to urbanization: charcoal is the primary energy source for up to 80% of urban Africa, and its consumption is expected to continue increasing with expanding urbanization. This work-in-progress explores the politics of charcoal through an in-depth study of charcoal extraction in northern Uganda. The paper argues that, by placing charcoal in its political and historical context, we can understand its extraction as a continuation of the violence of the twenty-year northern war. By focusing on the political violence of energy, the orthodox academic and policy narrative about the charcoal industry in Africa can be called into question, as can broader narratives of energy modernity and global energy politics.



Friday, April 13, 2018 - 12:30 to 14:30
Event Venue: 
Conference Hall, School of Women and Gender Studies
Contact Information: 
Sarah N. Ssali, PhD, | Assoc. Prof and DEAN, | School of Women and Gender Studies, | College of Humanities and Social Sciences, | Makerere University. | MUASA Representative to University Council. | Mobile: +256772663772 | Twitter: @sssalie
File Attachments : 

Relaunch of MAWAZO

Makerere University College of Humanities and Social Sciences will relaunch the MAWAZO Journal Vol. 12 No. 1&2, December 2017 on Friday, 23rd March, 2018 in the Senior Common Room.  Mawazo (sing. wazo) is a comprehensive Kiswahili word covering the following activities of the mind: meditations, reflections, thoughts, opinions, and ideas. It is a scholarly peer reviewed international journal which was first published in June 1967 as a publication of the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, Makerere University to promote national consciousness and pan-Africanism through the promotion of basic research in the humanities and social sciences.

Friday, March 23, 2018 - 02:00
Event Venue: 
Senior Common Room, Makerere University Main Building
Contact Information: 
Prof. Peter Atekyereza, Head Department of Sociology and Anthropology/ Email:


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