


Please see below calls for applications for the aforementioned fellowships. Applications should be hand delivered in a sealed envelope marked “WaSo MASTERS/Ph.D./Postdoc Research Funding Application” to reach the undersigned by 5:00 PM, 30th January 2018. The Coordinator  WaSo, Flat B7 Lincoln Flats Makerere University, Makerere University, P.O. Box 7062, Kampala. Phone: +256701601797, +256772561965 Email:;

Tuesday, January 30, 2018 - 05:00
Event Venue: 
Flat B7 Lincoln Flats Makerere University
Contact Information: 
The Coordinator WaSo, Flat B7 Lincoln Flats Makerere University, Makerere University, P.O. Box 7062, Kampala. Phone: +256701601797, +256772561965 Email:;

CHUSS/Gerda Henkel PhD Programme writing seminar

The Coordinator CHUSS/Gerda Henkel PhD Programme invites prospective applicants to a writing seminar scheduled to take place on Friday, 19th January, 2018 at 2:00pm in UB4 at the former Institute of Languages. 

Detailed invitation letter below

Friday, January 19, 2018 - 02:00
Event Venue: 
UB4, Former Institute of Languages
Contact Information: 
Dr Edgar Nabutanyi, Coordinator/Email: number:0772971204

3rd Anniversary of the Confucius Institute

The Confucius Institute (CI) at Makerere University cordially invites you to the third anniversary of its founding.
The Institute is supported by the Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban), the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Uganda, Makerere University and Xiangtan University of China.
The main celebrations will take place in the Main Hall, followed by a Banquet and Cultural Performances.
We shall be highly honoured by your presence.
Saturday, November 25, 2017 - 15:00
Event Venue: 
Main Hall, Main Administration Building, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda
Contact Information: 
Prof. Hong Yonghong, Chinese Director, Confucius Institute at Makerere University, Tel: +256-757-772666 || Prof. Oswald K. Ndoleriire, Ugandan Director, Confucius Institute at Makerere University, Tel: +256-756-422005

MAK-University of Turin Cooperation programme presentations

Prof. Cecilia Pennacini and Prof. Elana Ochse from the University of Turin, Italy will tomorrow, 3rd October 2017 deliver a presentation on the Makerere-University of Turin Cooperation programme. The event will take place in the School of Women and Gender Conference Hall starting at 10:00am.

Prof. Cecilia Pennacini will deliver a presentation titled, “The Erasmus Programme: from Europe to Africa” and Prof. Elana Ochse will talk about “Italian Research in the Great Lakes Region: Past, Present and Future Cooperation”.

Under the Makerere-University of Turin cooperation programme, the two Professors are currently offering audited courses to graduate students in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Makerere University.

Prof Cecilia Pennacini is teaching Ethnographic Methodology and Visual Anthropology and Prof. Elana Ochse teaching English Debating and Writing Skills in English. 

Details of the Makerere-University of Turin Cooperation Programme -

See abstract and programme below

Tuesday, October 3, 2017 - 10:00
Event Venue: 
School of Women and Gender Studies Conference Hall
Contact Information: 
Hasifa Kabejja, Communication Officer, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mobile: +256774904211, Email:

MAK-University of Turin Cooperation programme presentations

Prof. Cecilia Pennacini and Prof. Elana Ochse from the University of Turin, Italy will tomorrow, 3rd October 2017 deliver a presentation on the Makerere-University of Turin Cooperation programme. The event will take place in the School of Women and Gender Conference Hall starting at 10:00am.

Prof. Cecilia Pennacini will deliver a presentation titled, “The Erasmus Programme: from Europe to Africa” and Prof. Elana Ochse will talk about “Italian Research in the Great Lakes Region: Past, Present and Future Cooperation”.

Under the Makerere-University of Turin cooperation programme, the two Professors are currently offering audited courses to graduate students in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Makerere University.

Prof Cecilia Pennacini is teaching Ethnographic Methodology and Visual Anthropology and Prof. Elana Ochse teaching English Debating and Writing Skills in English. 

Details of the Makerere-University of Turin Cooperation Programme -

See abstract and programme below

Tuesday, October 3, 2017 - 10:00
Event Venue: 
School of Women and Gender Studies Conference Hall
Contact Information: 
Hasifa Kabejja, Communication Officer, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mobile: +256774904211, Email:

Invitation to book launch - “The Ugandan Churches and the Political Centre: Cooperation, Co-option and Confrontation”

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS), Makerere University is organizing a book launch of its latest publication titled, “The Ugandan Churches and the Political Centre: Cooperation, Co-option and Confrontation”.  The publication largely explains how the Christian faith and the political centre have been intertwined from the outset in the Ugandan Christian story. Its chapters take examples from this story where the churches have cooperated with, been co-opted by and confronted the political centre. The examples come from different periods and regions and are based on pioneering research. The chapters include: “Festo Kivengere’s Preaching on Reconciliation into post-Amin Uganda” by Alfred Olwa, “The Growing Role of the Pentecostal Churches in the Political Arena” by Dr Paddy Musana, “Religious Rituals to Reintegrate Girl Child-soldiers in Northern Uganda” by Dr Christine Mbabazi Mpyangu and “The Relationship between the NRM Government and the Churches” by Mr. Ofwono Opondo.

This is to invite you to the launch of the aforementioned book scheduled to take place on 22nd September, 2017 at 2:00pm at Makerere University.

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Uganda, the Rt. Hon. Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda, is expected to preside over the event.

 The programme will be shared later.

See book cover below

Friday, September 22, 2017 - 02:00
Event Venue: 
Senate Upper Conference Hall - Level 4
Contact Information: 
Dr Paddy Musana, Department of Religion and Peace Studies, Email:, Mobile number: 0772457725
File Attachments : 

Invitation to Seminar: Modelling the Association between Intimate Partner Violence and daily use of HIV treatment among ever-married Women in Malawi

The Coordinator of the CHUSS Lunchtime Seminar Series, Dr Sarah Ssali hereby invites you to the aforementioned seminar scheduled for 31st August, 2017.

Title:  Modelling the Association between Intimate Partner Violence and daily use of HIV treatment among ever-married Women in Malawi

Presenter: Beate Ringwald from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

See abstract below

Thursday, August 31, 2017 - 01:00
Event Venue: 
School of Women and Gender Studies Conference Hall
Contact Information: 
Dr Sarah Ssali, Coordinator, CHUSS Lunchtime Seminar Series, Email:;

Request for Change of Programme/Subjects

Each student who may wish to change his/her programme/subject is required to pay an application fee of Shs. 6,000/= plus the bank charges to Stanbic Bank, dfcu Bank, Post Bank or Centenary Bank.

The change of programme/subjects will begin from Monday 14th August, 2017 to Friday 18th August, 2017 at Level 3, Senate Building. Degree/Diploma Holders who may wish to change programmes/subjects will pick forms from Room No. 315, Level 3, Senate Building. It is advisable that only those students who meet the cut-off points for the desired programmes may apply.

Monday, August 14, 2017 - 08:00 to Friday, August 18, 2017 - 17:00
Event Venue: 
Senate Building, Level 3 Room 315
Contact Information: 
Academic Registrar
File Attachments : 


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