CHUSS Principal participates in World Bank meeting in Rwanda

Prof. Kirumira chats with colleagues

Last month, the Principal of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prof. Edward K. Kirumira participated in a World Bank meeting in Kigali, Rwanda. The meeting was addressed by H.E. Agnes Kalibata, Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources of Rwanda, Carolyn Turk, Country Manager for Rwanda, and Arianna Legovini, Manager World Bank Development Impact Evaluation.

The meeting was attended by government Ministry representatives from Eastern Africa, academic and research institutions from the region and from USA.

The meeting discussed how the World Bank and national governments in the region can design and fund impact evaluation studies in government interventions for improved productivity and livelihoods improvement. The East African Social Sciences Translation Collaborative (EASST) that brings together researchers involved in impact evaluation studies was presented as a strong network that governments and the World Bank should take advantage of. EASST is coordinated by Makerere University and the Centre for Effective Global Action (CEGA) at the University of California at Berkeley. CEGA has a strong history of working with the World Bank’s Development Impact Evaluation unit (DIME).

The Principal’s participation in the Kigali meeting was fully funded by the World Bank and CEGA.

The meeting also received funding from i2i (Impact Evaluation to Development Impact), the new umbrella facility for impact evaluation, the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP), and the World Bank Africa Region Chief Economist’s Office.

The outcome of the meeting  will be communicated.

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