CHUSS welcomes new Deputy Principal into leadership.
The new Deputy Principal, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Dr. Eric Awich Ochen has been officially welcomed into the college leadership in a colorful ceremony that was held in the CHUSS Smart room on 13th April 2022.
Dr. Eric Awich Ochen is a lecturer at the Department of Social Work and Social Administration and replaces Dr. Julius Kikooma who has been serving in Ag. Capacity.
The ceremony was presided over by the Principal CHUSS, Associate Prof. Josephine Ahikire and attended by Deans, Heads of Departments, faculty, students representaives and administrative staff.
The ceremony was characterized by speeches and performances by the students of Performing Arts and Film. Speaker after speaker, congratulated Dr. Awich upon his appointment as Deputy Principal and offering himself for the new leadership position.
Presiding over the ceremony, the Principal, Associate Professor Josephine Ahikire welcomed her deputy describing the college as a composite one, in terms of schools, student numbers and academic programs.
Ahikire noted that leadership is a role that comes with responsibilities and at times burdening adding that, the most important thing is to make a difference.
“The office of the Deputy Principal is at the heart of academic programs. We are here to serve students. We here to ensure that people thrive in their different capacities.
As a college, we are trying to elevate our research and publications profile and we would like to tap into your competencies as Deputy Principal and delivering on our mandates as one”, Prof. Ahikire said.
Prof. Ahikire underscored Heads of Departments and Deans as the core part of the leadership behind the generation of business for the college and expressed appreciation for the commitment of the team.
Deans welcome Dr. Eric Awich Ochen with expectations
The Dean School of Literature, Languages and Communication represented by Dr. Gilbert Gomushabe thanked the Principal for organizing the days ceremony pledging support to the New Deputy Principal.
“ We have had a cordial working relationship with the college administration and we will continue and give you our support. I thank the Principal for the support rendered and today is the D-Day and we are extremely happy”.
The Dean School of Liberal and Performing Arts Assoc. Prof. Patrick Mangeni described the day’s event as a beautify moment of welcoming the new leader.
“We don’t take this moment for granted. It means a lot. Through this process, we are going to continue to learn and grow. We hold these offices to serve and move on. We pray that we just perform our best and continue to serve our people and God.
As a school, we shall continue to give support we have been giving to the Deputy Principal’s Office as part of the chain of CHUSS. We have a bigger responsibility but the most important is to work together and holding each other with respect and sensitivity. Once we hold together we shall be able to move” Prof. Mangeni advised.
The Dean School of Social Sciences Prof. Andrew Elias State Congratulated Dr. Awich upon his appointment..
“Your office is in charge of standards and we are hoping that the standards will be maintained. We expect you to serve with integrity, honesty and handle business with respect and to work collectively and consult incase things are not done well because as humans, we are bound to error”. Prof. state said.
Prof. State also advised the new Deputy Principal on the need to handle information professionally, handle business as required by the law and to read the rules that govern programs and issues within his docket.
The Dean School of Psychology Dr. Grace Kibanja thanked Dr. Awich for accepting to serve the college saying, his acceptance demonstrates the feel for the college and readiness to make a difference.
“You are responsible for academic affairs. I request that you spare some time and visit our school. We pledge our support to ensure that you take the college to the next level and perform to your expectations”, Dr. Kibanja said.
The Dean School of Women and Gender Studies, Associate Prof. Sarah Ssali described CHUSS as a university of its own that requires a lot of work in terms of dealing with marks.
“Our coordinators, Deans and Heads of departments do a lot of work and this calls for coordination and team work. The job of a Deputy Principal is momentous and one of the issues is the need to monitor and track Post Graduate, Masters and PhD students because most of the attention in the university is undergraduates” Prof. Ssali advised.
The CHUSS Student President H.E Higenyi Fatal pledged the student support to the new Deputy Principal expressing hope that under his leadership and guidance, he will focus on education and learning and drive CHUSS to excellence.
In his remarks, Dr. Awich thanked the college leadership and staff for the welcome ceremony describing it as a very good day.
Dr. Awich said he offered himself to the position to show his zeal and commitment to contributing to the task of Deputy Principal.
“I come in at a time when CHUSS is rebranding with a slogan,” CHUSS on the Move” I hope I will continue working on that. I only come in to make a contribution like many others have done and time will come to exit.
I am here as a servant not as a boss due to my training in UK that oriented me into a culture of informality. I want to remain a colleague, simple and happy and to make a contribution to this university as we build for the future” Dr. Awich said.
As Makerere university moves to being research led, Dr. Awich pledged to push this agenda forward and advocate for staff capacity development through fees waivers , enhance collaborations and to work with the college leadership , deans, heads , staff and students to improve service delivery.
Who is Dr. Eric Awich Ochen? Click on the link: