64th Graduation Dates for CHUSS

Makerere 64th Graduation

The Academic Registrar, Makerere University wishes to announce that the 64th Graduation Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, 28th January, 2014. The Ceremony starts at 9.00 a.m at the Freedom Square.

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

  1. Doctor of Philosophy (Religious Studies, Languages, Literature, Gender Studies, Sociology , Social Work and Social Development and Psychology)
  2. Master of Arts in Religious and Theological Studies
  3. Master of Arts in Ethics and Public Management
  4. Master of Arts in Public Administration and Management
  5. Master of Arts in Peace and Conflict Studies
  6. Master of Arts in Human Rights
  7. Master of Arts in Gender Studies
  8. Master of Arts in Religious Studies
  9. Master of Arts in Land Use and Regional Development
  10. Master of Arts in Leadership and Human Relations
  11. Master of Arts in Literature
  12. Master of Arts in History
  13. Master of Arts in Performing Arts
  14. Master of Arts in Journalism and Communication
  15. Master of Arts in Social Sector Planning and Management
  16. Master of Arts in International Relations and Diplomatic Studies
  17. Master of Arts in Sociology
  18. Master of Arts in Rural Development
  19. Master of Arts in Counselling
  20. Master of Organisational Psychology
  21. Postgraduate Diploma in Gender and Local Economic Development
  22. Postgraduate Diploma in Investigative Journalism
  23. Postgraduate Diploma in Guidance and Counselling
  24. Postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communication
  25. Bachelor of Arts (Social Sciences)
  26. Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration
  27. Bachelor of Arts (Arts)
  28. Bachelor of Arts in Drama
  29. Bachelor of Industrial and Organisational Psychology
  30. Bachelor of Community Psychology
  31. Bachelor of Development Studies
  32. Bachelor of Mass Communication
  33. Bachelor of Secretarial Studies
  34. Bachelor of Arts in Music
  35. Bachelor of Arts in Dance
  36. Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Management
  37. Bachelor of Urban Planning
  38. Bachelor of Arts in Drama and Film
  39. Bachelor of Arts in Social Development
  40. Diploma in Music, Dance and Drama
  41. Diploma in Performing Arts

Find here below General Information on Graduation Ceremony:


Each graduand is allowed one invitation card for two of his/her selected guests only. Graduands will be required to submit the names of the two guests they wish to invite for the ceremony and thereafter their invitation cards will be issued.  Cards and gowns will be collected from Monday, 20th January, 2014.

For Undergraduate programmes, graduands shall be required to pay shs 90,000/=, shs 80,000/= for Postgraduate Programmes, for PhD’s the fee shall be shs 110,000/=.  Likewise for International students the fee should be an equivalent ofUS$ 170.


Cellular (mobile) Phones                       Alcohol

Dangerous weapons                             Canned food and drinks

Cameras (video and Still cameras)          Pocket radio                    

Fire arms                                             Bottled drinks

Cells/batteries and chemicals                 Large bags

Issued on 7th January 2014 by:  Alfred Masikye Namoah, ACADEMIC REGISTRAR

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