Dr, Kikoma Julius from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences was on 9th September 2022 announced as the Deputy Director (Admin & Graduate Training).
“It is my singular pleasure to welcome Dr. Julius Kikoma, Deputy Director (Admin & Graduate Training). Previously, Dr. Kikoma has held important positions in the University as Head & Dean, School of Psychology and lately as Deputy Principal CHUSS.
He has taught, examined, supervised students at both Masters and Doctorate levels in addition to mentoring many of them. He is widely published and has built a strong international network of collaborations in research and graduate training administration”, Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi, Director Graduate Resaerch and Training posted on the staff mailing list.
In the present position, Buyinza said, Dr. Kikooma will be a key resource as the directorate strive to achieve its strategic goal of building a strong home base for graduate training and research and thus supporting the long-term vision of the University as being a leader in graduate training and research in Uganda and the Region.
“The entire winning team at DRGT, is excited to synergies and learn from him the best practices in the management and coordination of graduate education which has become a very vital component of any research-intensive University. The DRGT and its relevant constituent units, therefore, place high priority on the administrative aspects of graduate studies”, Prof. Buyinza added.
Prof. Buyinza explained that pursuant to his Job description, Dr. Kikoma will function as the primary point of contact for all graduate academic matters in the University. He will develop systems to M&E the registration status and the progress of postgraduate students at different levels and in different Colleges/Schools; provide general academic oversight of postgraduate programmes; work collaboratively with Colleges to monitor the Curriculum design, review policies; coordinate postgraduate studies; attend to registration statistics and examination matters; conduct periodic review the academic programmes to reflect the priorities of the University; and perform oversight of the postgraduate training policies in the University. He will facilitate conversation between the graduate degree program, the academic department and DRGT. Most importantly, he will will ensure that graduate students are informed about services and critical deadlines.
“We trust that Dr. Kikoma will proactively execute his mandate leading to the success of the University’s graduate programs meeting global standards. We tare therefore, counting on his visionary leadership to enable us transit into a truly competitive graduate University of the 21st Century. In this connect, he will henceforth possess our authority to speak on behalf of the DRGT on any matter relating to graduate programs, recruitment and admission, mentoring, administration, and planning”, the Director said