Call for Applications - WaSo Africa PhD and MA Fellowships


Water and Society (WASO): Institutional Capacity building in Water resources management and climate change adaptation in the Nile Basin is a NORHED project funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD).  The purpose of the NORHED Programme is to strengthen capacity in higher education institutions in LMIC to contribute to a) a more and better qualified workforce, b) increased knowledge, c) evidence-based policy and decision- making and d) enhanced gender equality. The purpose of WASO project is to build supervisory and Post Graduate Programme content capacity at participating institutions within Water, Society and Climate change related disciplines.

Partner institutions on this project include: Telemark University College (Norway), University of Nairobi (Kenya), University of Juba (South Sudan), Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia), Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway) and University of Bergen (Norway).


The call

WASO is pleased to announce funding for

  1. Four (4) 1 – Year Ph.D. Research fellowships
  2.  Four (4) 6 months – 1 year Postdoctoral Research fellowships

In water and society (climate change) related disciplines. The disciplines under this call include:

Ÿ Water Resources Management Ÿ Applied Hydrology and ground water management Ÿ Irrigation and water management Ÿ GIS and remote sensing in water resources Ÿ Water and Disaster management Ÿ Water supply (engineering, technology, health, water quality) Ÿ Waste water treatment Ÿ Computer applications in water and Environmental engineering; Hydropolitics Ÿ Climate change impacts & adaptation.

The research funding will be provided through the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Makerere University and will cover costs of field research (no tuition provided), a modest stipend and travel to Partner institutions whenever required.

Principal Investigator

Prof. Edward K. Kirumira

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