Dr Mohamed Mayanja Kajumba has been appointed Head, Department of Mental Health and Community Psychology. He takes on from Dr Janet Nambi who has retired from University Service. Dr Kajumba holds a PhD is Health Psychology and Neuroscience from the University of Texas, Arlington and has taught at the School of Psychology since 2001.
At the handover ceremony held at the School premises on 21st July, 2016, the Acting Dean, Dr Leon Matagi, applauded the outgoing Head for her selfless service to the School. Commenting on the staffing challenges in the School, specifically the Department of Mental Health and Community Psychology, Dr Matagi appealed to the outgoing Head to continue assisting with mentorship of students.
In his remarks, Dr Kajumba pledged to do his best to uplift the image of the School.
The ceremony was witnessed by among others, Mr Benard Magara from Internal Audit.
Details about the outgoing Head at: http://muip.mak.ac.ug/Nambi.html