College Administration secures internship placement for 2,600 students

College Administration secures internship placement for 2,600 students

As we may all be aware, internship is a mandatory exercise in University training. This is because it equips students with practical knowledge and skills needed for the job market. Indeed many students have benefited from the exercise. A number of them have secured jobs and others have come out much more confident. In other words it boosts self-esteem. Many organizations are embracing the exercise after realising its advantages. The organizations are benefiting in terms of skills but also reduced costs and timely delivery of services.

Every year, the Administration of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences assists over 2,000 students to secure internship placement. Mid this year, our students in second year reported to various places across the country to acquire experience in terms of work. This was very exciting. Approximately 2,600 students from the College (CHUSS) went out for internship training in different organizations, institution and agencies.

Given the diversity of discipline

s in CHUSS, placing them was not an easy task. However, the teamwork exist¬ing among the various agencies made it possible for us to secure internship placement for this big number.  The Coordinators, especially at School and Depart¬ment levels, did their best to ensure that our students are placed. Agencies that accepted to host our students this year include;

 the Uganda Red Cross Society, Butabika Hospital, TASO, Local Government, Ministry of Educa¬tion, Uganda Prisons, Municipal Councils, Civil Avia¬tion, United Nations High Commission for Refugees, Care International, Reproductive Health Uganda, Central Police Station, Uganda Revenue Authority, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Uganda Blood Transfusion Services, Reach a Hand Uganda, Global Health and HIV/AIDS initiative, National Water and Sewerage Corporation, the AIDS Information Centre, Di¬rectorate of Public Prosecutions, Anti-Corruption Divi¬sion and the Electoral Commission Headquarters.

The students are prepared for 

this exercise, through meetings in which issues of internship rationale, self-presentation at work, work ethics, report writing and supervision are addressed.

In the same way, hosts are met and pertinent issues of supervision, appropriate and relevant training as well as partnership discussed. These, we hope can establish a symbolic relationship between the market place and the University, and hence a university product that can solve problems in his/her environ¬ment. The Academic staff also hold preparatory meetings which emphasize effective supervision. This, we hope, adds value to the students and to the pro-gramme in general. 

A link on the internship experiences will be provided shortly.

Dr Christine Mbabazi Mpyangu 
Field Attachment Coordinator, CHUSS

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