Second Call for Proposals for Research Grants 

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS), Makerere University received a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation of New York for the establishment of a Centre of Excellence in Research, Teaching and Learning (CERTL). The primary aim of CERTL is to explore and develop mechanisms of strengthening and promoting teaching and learning in the humanities and social sciences. It is premised on the fact that research, teaching and learning in the College have been adversely affected by large student numbers and absence of tutorials as well as seminars. To this end, the Centre will facilitate research on how to improve learning and teaching of the humanities and social Sciences at Makerere University.

CHUSS now invites applications for small grants of up to USD 3000 to carry out research on teaching and learning in both undergraduate and graduate programmes in different disciplines within the College. Proposed studies must focus on specific disciplines. Priority will be given to studies that not only focus on challenges and experiences but also provide possible interventions. The research and report writing should be completed within a period of six (6) months beginning September2021.

Applications should be submitted to: or copied to The deadline is July16, 2021.

For more details contact: Dr Pamela Khanakwa - Email:,  Mobile number: 0772442530

Full call for proposals and application form attached below.

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