The College of Humanities and Social Sciences on Friday 21st October 2022 conducted freshers’ orientation ceremony to help them familiarise with the university environment. First years reported on 15th October 2022. Lectures commenced on 17th October, 2022. This year, the lectures were concurrently conducted within the school and college orientation.
Over 150 fresher’s gathered at the CHUSS Arts Quadrangle and interfaced with members of the college management and speakers from other university units including Security, Counselling and Guidance, the Library and Gender Mainstreaming unit among others.
Every year, the college welcomes and orients new students on university policies, rules and regulations to acquaint students with the university environment. This also creates a platform where students interact with the college administrators, leaders and students’ Guild to clarify on matters pertaining to their stay and study at Makerere university.
The students were furnished with information and advice on a number of issues ranging from the admission, fees payment and registration, the University academic calendar and change of program. They were also advised on matters of social life, personal security, the general conduct while at the university, and the new norm of online teaching and learning.
The freshers were also cautioned against examination malpractices, engaging in strikes, drug abuse and sexual harassment among others that would put their lives and studies at stake.
Presiding over the function, the Principal CHUSS Associate Professor. Josephine Ahikire welcomed and congratulated the first years upon joining the family of Makerereans.
“The training here is aimed at equipping you to be a transformer, transforming society through understanding what it does, challenges and problems, the role of language and culture. So this is the college that is going to give you holistic education that will enable you to engage in the community at various levels”. Prof. Ahikire said and advised freshers to follow the university guidelines especially in the registration requirements.
Representing the Dean, School of Liberal and Performing Arts, Dr. Charlotte Mafumbo joined the Principal in welcoming the fresher’s saying, they are the reason the university exists. She told them to feel at home pledging total support throughout their entire study period.
Mafumbo described the university as a n interesting place with rules stored in books and responsibilities but somewhere
“So you are going to be your own responsibility and your own rules. You need to know what is going on in the university. Three things make people successful that is determination, dedication and discipline. Please be part of the college activities, work hard and when you need something, feel free to reach out to us”. Dr. Mafumbo advised.
Mafumbo said soon the students will be introduced to e-learning as the university continues to conduct online lessons. She advised students to respond to the call on online training in the main systems that the university uses and the need to get their addresses for MUELE as this will be their address of communication.
She also briefed the students on the student portal ACMIS imploring them to register and enrol so that they can be able to generate the payment reference numbers, access results advising them to seek for help from the right people in case the system has issues.
Representing the Director Gender Mainstreaming Winnie Kabusingye and Susan Mbabazi advised students to desist from any acts of sexual harassment. The university has adopted a policy of zero tolerance on sexual harassment and has put in place mechanism of addressing the issue including a website. The unit has been running a project on kicking sexual harassment out of higher education institutions.
“There is a policy on Sexual harassment and make sure you read it. We have also established a student online system where you can report online in privacy and we get to you and help you. There are also many clubs aimed at raising awareness on sexual harashment”. Mbabazi said
Speaking on behalf of the Manager Makerere University Counselling and Guidance centre Ms. Rose Nalwanga advised students to seek support and services at the center when faced with tragedies, social, economic and any other problems and always seek and confide in friends, and other credible persons in trying moments.
“ There is a facility that cares for your mental health. Issues such as relationship can be serious and disturbing. The choice you make can be a difficult one and may affect your performance. You may also undergo unpredictable circumstances and this may affect you”, Nalwanga implored.
The College Registrar Ms. Joana Kayaga emphasized that registration as critical after the closure of the admission process.
“Registration is a mandatory requirement of the university which must be done within the first two weeks from the beginning of the semester. Privately sponsored students will pick original admission after payment of 60% tuition fees and all functional fees,” Ms. Kayaga advised.
The Registrar called upon students to utilize their time productively as the program is intense.
“Semester I begins on 17th October 2022 to 15th January, 2023. Teaching will be online and physical and therefore be cautious not to miss out on lectures.
Between 16th January and 5th February,2023 we have examinations and the time table will be issued out. Between 5th February and 19th February 2023, you will have a short holiday then the graduation week will be from 13th -17th February 2023”, She explained.
The Registrar also informed students that change of program had already commenced but cautioned that change should not be just for the sake of it but with advise.
The College Bursar Ms. Joseline Biganja advised students to approach the right people when dealing with fees payment and ensure that they keep their records safely for reference and future use. To make any payments, the Bursar said students must first get the payment reference number before proceeding to the bank.
“Avoid habits that may lead to misappropriation of fees. Make use of notice boards for acquiring information and respond timely. Beware of online schemes that purport to multiply money. Use the portal to generate the payment reference number”, Biganja advised