Copperbelt University, Zambia seeks collaboration with CHUSS

On the 21st October, 2013, a delegation from Copperbelt University in Zambia comprising of the Director Dag Hammarskjöld Institute for Peace, Dr Owen Sichane, the External Relations
Officer, Dr John Kangwa and the Deputy Registrar in charge of Planning, Mr Mwala K. Sheba, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Makerere University to establish long-term academic collaborations in fields which
are compatible with the orientation of the two Universities.

The specific objectives of the MoU are:

a)To enhance professional skills of staff in the two institutions through training, staff exchanges, joint research ventures, curricula development and review, staff and students interactions and exchange of experiences
and information

b)To provide an instrument for establishing various collaborative initiatives for the growth and mutual benefit of the two institutions

c)To encourage any other activities that the Parties agree to be of mutual benefit

Specific areas of collaboration:

  1. Staff development including staff exchanges
  2. Student exchanges
  3. Sharing of physical facilities
  4. Collaborative research in areas of mutual interest, technology transfer and publication of outcomes
  5. Curriculum development (Development of specialized academic programmes)
  6. Joint supervision of postgraduate students
  7. Exchange of scholarly and instructional materials
  8. Development of Science and Engineering education
  9. Convening of joint seminars and conferences
  10. Quality assurance support
  11. Commercialization and marketing of products and services
  12. Joint consultancy

Collaboration with CHUSS

The delegation also held a meeting with the Principal, Deputy Principal, Dean School of Social Sciences and the Head, Department of Religion and Peace Studies to learn more about the humanities and Social Sciences. They informed the meeting that Copperbelt is a science and technology oriented University but would like to incorporate the humanities and social sciences. They noted that our College (CHUSS)would be very instrumental in helping them to set up their school of humanities and social sciences that will mainly focus on the social sciences and peace and conflict studies.

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