Council Chair, Mrs. Lorna Magara Visits CHUSS

The Chairperson Makerere University Council Mrs. Lorna Magara on Wednesday 1st March 2023 made her maiden visit to the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS). Mrs Magara was recently re-appointed as Council Chair for the second term of office.

She was accompanied by council members including Mr. Bruce Balaba, Kabasa, Associ. Prof. Sarah Ssali, Sengozi Ddamulira, Timothy M Ssejjoba, Edwin Karugire and George Bamugemereire.

Mrs. Lorna Magara (L) and council members in meeting in the CHUSS smart room

The purpose of the visit was to learn about what the college was doing, how they do it and how CHUSS work fits into the mission and vision of the university.

“We want to hear what you do, your uniqueness and how you contribute to the vision of Makerere university and, secondly, we have some new members on the Council and it is good to introduce them to you”, Mrs. Magara said.

In a 30-paged college presentation to Council, the Principal CHUSS Associate Prof. Josephine Ahikire   highlighted the vision and mission of the college, constituents, programmes offered and the status of staff and students.

Prof. Ahikire highlighted key milestones in areas of training, research, and resource mobilisation, including staff development, curriculum reviews, community service, institutional networworking and internationalisation as well as the college participation in recent Mak @100 celebrations and staff recognitions and awards.

The Principal stressed that CHUSS was   thinking of her niche in graduate programmes with efficient staff and stock of graduate students.

Deputy Principal  Assoc. Prof. Eric Awich Ochen and Principal Assoc. Prof. Josephine Ahikire addressing council members

“Several members of staff have been supported to develop their intellectual capacity through PhD and Masters training. This has been possible with financial support especially from various development partners. Last year 2022 we had over 20 staff promoted”, Prof. Ahikire said

She reported to council members that for the last three graduation ceremonies CHUSS has been topping in the number of PhDs.

“During the 73rd Graduation ceremony, February 2023, CHUSS presented 2061 graduands. Of these, 23 were PhD candidates.

At the  72nd Graduation of May 2022, CHUSS presented 25 PhDs Out of the 100 Doctorates across all colleges.

 And at the 71st Graduation ceremony held in May 2021, 2,134 Students Graduated from CHUSS with a record 22 PhDs out of 108 Doctorates the highest of all”, Prof. Ahihikire stated.

Prof. Ahikire highlighted the challenges facing the college including high student population, inadquate teaching space, staffing gaps in teaching and supervision, inadequate administrative and support, high teaching/supervision load and limited space for graduate students.

Other issues included delays in promotion, non-promotion of administrative and support staff.

A section of Deans and Chairs attending the meeting

The meeting was characterized by open discussions on the presentations and issues raised.

“There is mapping going on. Map your current status highlighting all issues. Share with Management which will share with Council to work up on restructuring arrangements”. Council Chair Mrs. Lorna Magara concluded the meeting.

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