Isaac Tibasiima is a lecturer in the Department of Literature. He holds a PhD, MA in Literature and a Bachelor’s degree in Education. He joined the Department in 2016 after teaching at Uganda Martyrs University in the Department of Languages and in the Ugandan secondary school system. He teaches courses on literary communication, the novel and area studies (specifically South African and American Literature). He is a receipient of the Mak-NUFU Doctoral Scholarship and the ACLS/AHP Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship. Dr Tibasiima is currently conducting research in academic writing practices at Makerere University. He conducts reviews for the Journal of Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies and Contemprary Journal of African Studies. He is interested in representations of the Ugandan state in popular literatures. His research interests include Postcolonial Studies, Performance Studies, Orature Studies and African Literatures. He invites students interested in these areas for graduate research.
- Nabutanyi, E. and Tibasiima, I., ‘A Peripheral Archive or a Discursive Platform of Post-Colonial Uganda? Historicising Trauma in Penpoint.’ in Historicising Humanities at Makerere: Trends, Patterns and Prospects, edited by J. Ahikire, L. Mugumya, E F Nabutanyi and P. Atekyereza. Kampala: Fountain Publishers, 2022.
- Tibasiima, I. ‘Heed My Voice: Children’s Song in the Wake of Child Sacrifice’ inPerforming Wisdom, Matatu: Journal for African Culture & Society 42.1 (2013).
- Tibasiima, I. ‘Oral Literature in Teaching and Interpreting Written Literature’ in Makerere University MELT Journal, Kampala: Makerere University School of Education, 2010.
- Tibasiima, I. ‘The Concept of Power in the Praise Poetry of the Batooro’ in Performing Community, edited by Dominica Dipio, Lena Johannessen, and Stuart Sillars. Norway: Norvus Press, 2008, pp. 35-51.
- Tibasiima, I. ‘Marriage, Family and Praise Poetry in Toro Society’ in Performing Change, Norway: Norvus Press, 2009, pp. 121-143.
Edited Books
- Kasozi, AB., Ahikire, J., Dipio D., Byamugisha, H. & I. Tibasiima. 2024. Makerere’s Service to East Africa: 1922-2022. Kampala: Makerere Press.
Edited Book Projects in Progress
- With Edgar Nabutanyi and Josephine Ahikire, Forthcoming 2024. Jua Kali Discourses: Reflections on the Banal and Profound in Regional Debates. Kampala: Fountain Publishers.