Dr. Aaron Ayeta Mulyanyuma is a dedicated academic and experienced public administration professional with a wealth of knowledge in political science and governance. He holds a PhD in Political Science from Kisii University, Kenya, and has extensive experience in both teaching and research, with a focus on public policy, political parties, and governance in Africa. Dr. Mulyanyuma’s research spans critical issues such as energy security, climate change, and the role of political participation in policy formulation, particularly in Uganda’s hydrocarbon sector. His interest in international relations and governance challenges has led to several published works and ongoing contributions to the academic field. Dr. Mulyanyuma also supervises a growing number of postgraduate students and has been actively involved in curriculum development and teaching at Makerere University.
- Analysis of Political Parties Representation in Parliament Influence Public Policy Formulation in Uganda’s Nascent Hydrocarbon Industry. Published in International Journal of Political Science (IJPS)
- Analysis of political parties’ ideologies influencing public policy formulation in Uganda’s Nascent Hydrocarbon Industry (Accepted for Publication in African Journal of Political Science and International Relations).
- State and Politics in Africa. GSJ: Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2023, Online: ISSN 2320-9186
- Militarizing Civil Service Space in Africa. GSJ: Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2023, Online: ISSN 2320-9186.
- Assessing china's military engine development: implications for proliferation control and strategic stability. GSJ: Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2023, Online: ISSN 2320-9186.
- The role of e-governance in enhancing public service delivery and citizen engagement in Uganda. GSJ: Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2023, Online: ISSN 2320-9186
- Vulnerability of Energy Infrastructure to Climate Change in East Africa. Covenant University Journal of Political Science and International Affairs
- Exploring the Trade-offs of the United States' Deterrence Strategy: Implications and Challenges. Covenant University Journal of Political Science and International Affairs
- Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Energy Security in East Africa: Challenges and Opportunities. Covenant University Journal of Political Science and International Affairs
Textbook Publication
- Contributed a Book Chapter to a Book Entitled: Popular Participation in the Integration of the East African Community; EASTAFRICANNESS and EASTERNISATION. Published as Book Chapter (Chapter 7) by Lexington Books.
- Currently working on a book Chapter for publication entitled BOOK Project: Africa in the Global South: Advancing Agency, Amplifying Voices.
- Currently working on a book for publication entitled “Dynamics of Government and Politics in Contemporary Africa: Challenges and Prospects”
- Currently working on a book for publication entitled “From Containment to Engagement: The Evolution of U.S. Policy in Asia”
Published academic papers in academia
- History of Human Resource Management and Development
- Impact of ICT on Human Resource Management
- Communication across cultures
- Challenges facing public policy formulation in developing counties
Conference Presentations
- Presented “The Agrarian Crisis in Africa” at the 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference, Kisii University, 2015
- Presented at the 1st International Conference, Uganda Christian University, Mbale Campus, 2015
- Participated in the Kenya-Uganda Binational Simulation Exercise on the Protection of People Displaced Across Borders in Disaster Contexts (May 2023)
Book Contributions and Editorial Work
- Contributed to the book chapter "Popular Participation in the Integration of the East African Community" published by Lexington Books
- Currently working on chapters for upcoming books: Africa in the Global South: Advancing Agency, Amplifying Voices and Dynamics of Government and Politics in Contemporary Africa: Challenges and Prospects