Rebekka Junker is an Assistant Lecturer and DAAD Lecturer in German, Department of European and Oriental Languages. She holds a bi-national Master of Arts from the University of Leipzig, Germany and the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
She has extensive experience of working on the African continent, having taught German at the Goethe Institute in Yaounde, Cameroon, and worked as a DAAD Language Assistant in Winneba, Ghana for one and a half years.She has a wide experience in teaching German as a foreign language at all levels, from A1 to C1, and is particularly dedicated to teaching German literature, literary genres and German literary periods, as well as culture/subculture in contemporary Germany here at Makerere University.
As a DAAD Lecturer, she provides information and advice on studying and researching in Germany, scholarship opportunities in Germany and Sub-Saharan Africa and carries out other related activities in cooperation with the DAAD Regional Office in Nairobi, the DAAD Alumni and Network Deutsch in Uganda.
As patron of the Makerere University German Club (MUDEK), she organises many extracurricular events and produces a German magazine.
Bachelorthesis 2012:
Zur Wiedergabe englischer Progressive-Formen im Deutschen anhand Jonathan Franzens Roman „Freedom“ (On the reproduction of English progressive forms in German on the basis of Jonathan Franzen's novel "Freedom“)
Honoursthesis (2013):
Literarische Repräsentationen des Genozids in Ruanda anhand der Romane "Hundert Tage" von Lukas Bärfuss und "Ein Sonntag am Pool in Kigali" von Gil Courtemanche
(Literary representations of the genocide in Rwanda based on the novels "Hundert Tage" by Lukas Bärfuss and "A Sunday at a Pool in Kigali" by Gil Courtemanche)
Masterthesis 2014:
ZwischenSprachen – Zum Potenzial exophonischer Literatur für eine Didaktik der Literarizität im universitären DaF-Unterricht in Südafrika (BetweenLanguages – On the potential of exophonic literature for a Didactics of Literariness in university German as Foreign Language classes in South Africa)
LAEA Conference 2023 (Makerere University):
Multilingualism and Engagement with Literature in Advanced German Classes at Makerere University