Humanities Scholars challenged to re-invigorate what Humanities represent


Scholars in the Humanities and Social Sciences have been challenged to raise up and reclaim their rightful space or else lose out in the 21st Century competitions.
The call was made by the Principal College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Prof. Josephine Ahikire , who is also the Principal Investigator for Makerere University  Centre of Excellence in  Research, Teaching and Learning (CERTL).

The Principal and PI was opening the CERTL Publication Peer Reviewing workshop that was held on 7th February 2024 at Fair way hotel in Kampala where expert reviewers met CERTL Publication Authors to review their chapters. 
CHUSS through her Center of Excellence in Research, Teaching and Learning (CERTL) has partnered with the Fountain publishers, Mawazo and Journal of Languages, Literature and Communication aimed at expediting graduate publications and nurturing the next generation of academics to excel. 

The intervention funded by the Andrew Mellon Foundation will culminate into a publication named the “CERTL Book”

The reviewers  comprising  Prof. Grace  Musila ( University of  the Witwatersrand), Prof. Lynda Spencer ( Rhodes University), Dr. James Taabu Busimba (Uganda Christian University) and Dr. Rebecca Nambi (Makerere university School  of Education), Dr. Godwin Siundu (University of Nairobi), Dr John Wakota (University of Dar es Salam) gave  their expert opinion on eleven chapters that were submitted  for review by the authors.

Representing the Principal, the  Director CERTL Prof. Andrew Elias State explained that the CERTL came into existence around September, 2020  because Makerere University prided itself as a Centre of excellence in  learning and teaching  and as well as a premiere university.

Prof. State congratulated the 11 chapter authors for the work they submitted for review.

“We are looking at high level scholarship in this proposed book and we are very serious with timeline. From today onwards, keep your emails because we are going to overdrive. We will be asking you a few questions at awkward hours.  So your response to those comments is key to the success of this project.

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Makerere University
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
P.O Box 7062 Kampala



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