Dr Saudah Namyalo

Associate Professor
PhD (Linguistics)
Languages Literature and Communication
African Languages
saudah.namyalo@mak.ac.ug or saudahnamyalo@gmail.com or saudahnm@yahoo.com
Office Physical Address: 
LB28, Lower Building, School of Languages, Literature &Communication
Brief Profile: 

Saudah Namyalo is an Associate Professor of Linguistics in the Department of African Languages and the serving Dean, School of Languages, Literature and Communication.  She is known for her enthusiasm in culture and language development and sees the scientific, educational, and economic value that may accrue from the growth of mother tongue industries. She looks at Africa’s multilingualism and multiculturalism with creative hope and pragmatic realism, rather than pessimism and frustration at the sheer number of languages and cultures. As a result of her commitment to promoting and preserving Uganda’s indigenous languages and cultures, she has documented the art of barkcloth making among the Baganda, the disappearing legends of Banyala, compiled a bilingual-talking English-Ruruuli/Lunyala dictionary, a dictionary of Luganda proverbs and idioms, a dictionary of English-Luganda Linguistics dictionary and published a book on terminological modernization of Luganda in the field of linguistics among many others publications. As part of her efforts towards the promotion of culture, while serving as a minister of state in the Buganda Kingdom, under the patronage of HRH the Nnaabagereka of Buganda, began a children’s training camp ‘ekisaakaate’ which aims at restoring family values, morals and customs among the Baganda 

Research interests: 
Documentation and description of endangered Languages and Cultures
Lexicology and lexicography
Membership to Professional Bodies: 
World Congress of African Linguistics
Association of Contemporary Linguistics
Luganda Teachers Association
Language Association of Eastern Africa
African Humanities Association
Member, Multilingual Language education network (MLEN)
Undergraduate Courses Taught: 
Introduction to the Principles of Translation and Interpretation
Introduction to the art of effective communication
Luganda Morphology
Research Methods
Luganda Phonology
Luganda Literature
Language documentation and description
Terminology and terminograpy
Lexicology and lexicography of Luganda
Graduate Courses Taught: 
Research Methods
Literary Translation: History, Principles, Techniques and Practice I
The Lexicology and Lexicography of African Languages
Translation and Interpretation focusing on African Languages
Language documentation and description
Materials development
Doctoral Students Supervised: 
Master’s Students Supervised: 
Documentation and description of the linguistic repertoires, culture, and oral tradition of the Nsua of Semuliki Forest (MDP1021)
Enhancing Linguistic Scholarship in Eastern Africa The dynamics of language variation: A study of linguistic repertoires of Ruruuli-Lunyara speakers
An online bilingual English-Luganda Linguistics dictionary and a mobile App for effective teaching and learning of Luganda in secondary schools and higher institutions of learning.
Maternal Mortality in East Africa
A bilingual talking dictionary of Luruuli/Lunyara-English dictionary with a grammar sketch
Documentation of Luganda oral literature
Focus marking strategies in Luganda
The documentation and description of Luyaaye
Empowering Ugandan indigenous languages for effective dissemination of food and nutrition messages
The documentation of the art and process of bark-cloth making: An endangered cultural activity in Uganda
Understanding youth urban language varieties in Uganda
A semantic-conceptual approach to the study and analysis of terms in Bantu languages: A case of Luganda
The documentation of Lunyara legends
Empowering Ugandan indigenous languages for effective dissemination of health messages
  1. Saudah Namyalo (2024) Variation in the use of infinitives within Uganda’s urban space in: Levis Mugumya, Allen Asiimwe, Medadi E Ssentanda, William G.Wagaba, Florence T. Bayiga (Eds.) 2024 The Promise  of Linguistics and Language Studies in Africa, Fountain Publishers
  2. Saudah Namyalo and Jackson Ssekiryango (2024), The Interface between morphology, syntax and phonology in Luganda in: Lutz Marteen, Nancy Kulla, Jochen Zeller and Ellen Hurst (eds.) Oxford Guide to the Bantu Languages, Oxford publishers
  3. Nelson Nsereko, Saudah Namyalo, Fridah Katushemereirwe (2024), Development and effectiveness of food and nutrition terms in Kiswahili in: Levis Mugumya, Allen Asiimwe, Medadi E Ssentanda, William G.Wagaba, Florence T. Bayiga (Eds.) 2024 The Promise  of Linguistics and Language Studies in Africa, Fountain Publishers
  4. Rupert, Eloisa, Saudah Namyalo & Alena Witzlack-Makarevich. (Accepted) Negation in Luganda (JE.103). In Ljuba Veselinova & Matti Miestamo (eds.), Negation in the Languages of the World. Berlin: Language Science Press.
  5. Rupert, Eloisa, Saudah Namyalo & Alena Witzlack-Makarevich. (Accepted). Negation in Luganda (JE.103). In Ljuba Veselinova & Matti Miestamo (eds.), Negation in the Languages of the World. Berlin: Language Science Press.
  6. Saudah Namyalo (2023) Gendered stereotypes and discriminative language in Luyaaye in Taiwo Oluruntoba-Oju (ed.) Gendered dichotomies in African youth languages & language practice. Ibidem-verlag,Stuttgart 
  7. Saudah Namyalo (2023). Endangerment of Ruruuli-Lunyala language: Past and current trends.  Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus, Vol. 66, 2023, 197-217 doi: 10.5842/66-1-862
  8. Witzlack-Makarevich, Alena; Just, Erika; Namyalo, Saudah (2023). Reflexive constructions in   Luganda. In: Janic, Katarzyna; Puddu, Nicoletta; Haspelmath, Martin. Reflexive constructions in the world's languages. Berlin: Language Science Press, 185-206.
  9. Margaret Zellers, Alena Witzlack-Makarevich, Lilja Saeboe and Saudah Namyalo (2021)   An   exploration of the acoustic space of rhotics and laterals in Ruruuli, INTERSPEECH     2021, Brno, Czechiahttp://dx.doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2021-13281454
  10. Molochieva, Zarina, Saudah Namyalo & Alena Witzlack-Makarevich. (2021). Phasal polarity in Ruuli. In Raija Kramer (ed.). The Expression of Phasal Polarity in African Languages (Empirical Approaches to Language Typology [EALT]). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.


  1. Zellers, Margaret, Saudah Namyalo & Alena Witzlack-Makarevich. (2020). Investigating relationships between intonational and syntactic phrasing in Ruruuli/Lunyala. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2020, 25–28 May 2020, Tokyo Japan. 
  2. Fridah Katushemererwe & Saudah Namyalo (2020). Locative enclitics in Luruuli-Lunyala, Runyankore-Rukiga and Luganda: Form and functions, South African   Journal of African Languages, 40:3, 342-350, 
  3. Saudah Namyalo (2019). Makerere University English Variety: Is there an Emerging Youth-Urban Language Variety? In Josef Schmied Taiwo Oloruntoba-Oju (eds), African Urban and Youth Languages: The Rural-Urban Divide, Research in English and Applied Linguistics REAL Studies 11, Cuvillier Verlag Publishers
  4. Scott Myers, Saudah Namyalo, & Anatole Kiriggwajjo (2019).  F0 Timing and Tone Contrasts in Luganda, International Journal of Phonetic Science (phonetica) Vol. 76, No. 1, 2019
  5. Namyalo, Saudah (2017). The sociolinguistic characterization of Luyaaye and its functions within its community of practice. In A. M. Ebongue and E. Hurst (eds.), The Study of Linguistic Behaviour as Determined by Socio-cultural Factors in Africa. Berlin: Springer, Pages (225-245)
  6.  Jenneke van der Wal and Namyalo, Saudah (2017). The interaction of two focus marking strategies in Luganda. Proceedings of the Association of Africa Linguistics conference (ACAL 46) –Oregon University USA, Contemporary African Linguistics series
  7. Namyalo Saudah, Bebwa Isingoma and Christiane Meiekord (2017). Towards assessing the space of English in Uganda’s linguistic ecology: Facts and issues, in Christiane Meiekord, Bebwa Isingoma and Namyalo Saudah (eds), Ugandan English: Its sociolinguistics, structure and issues in a globalizing post-protectorate, Benjamins Publishing Company
  8.  Namyalo, Saudah. (2015). Linguistic strategies in Luyaaye: Word play and conscious language manipulation. In Nassenstein, N. and A. Wolvers (eds.), Youth language practices in Africa and beyond. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (pages 313-344)
  9. Namyalo, Saudah and Nakayiza Judith. (2014). Dilemmas in implementing language rights in multilingual Uganda, Current issues in language planning, 16(4): 409–424.
  10. Namyalo, Saudah (2013). HIV Communication in Uganda: Facts and perspectives. In Altmayer, C. and H. E. Wolff (eds.) Africa: Challenges of multilingualism. (Pages 219-228)
  11. Namyalo, Saudah (2012). Luganda grammar: self-instruction manual for non- Native speakers of Luganda. Kampala: Centre for Advanced African Studies (CASAS) publishers.
  12. 17.   Namyalo Saudah, Livingstone Walusimbi, Geraldine Nabukenya, Micheal Wangotta Masakala, Minah Naabirwe, Florence Kiingi (2007), A unified orthography for Eastern Bantu languages of Uganda, 1st edition, The Centre for African Society (CASAS) Cape town, South Africa (12 pages) ISBN. 978-1-919932-66-8
  13. Saudah Namyalo, Scott Myers, & Anatole Kiriggwajjo (submitted) An experimental study of focus in Luganda, Studies in African Linguistics.
  14. Anatole Kiriggwajjo & Saudah Namyalo (submitted) The tonology of Lunyala nouns, Studies in African Linguistics.


  1. Saudah Namyalo et.al (2021). A dictionary and grammatical sketch of Ruruuli-Lunyala, Language press Sciences, SBN 978-3-96110-329-4.
  2. Saudah Namyalo (2019). ‘Terminological Modernisation of Luganda in the field of Linguistics-
  3. Makerere University press   
  4. Namyalo Saudah, Bebwa Isingoma and Christiane Meiekord (eds.) (2017). Facts and issues, Ugandan English: Its sociolinguistics, structure and issues in a globalizing post-protectorate, Benjamins Publishing Company 
  5. Namyalo Saudah and Ssentanda Medadi (Accepted). English-Luganda Linguistics dictionary, Makerere University Press 
  6. Fridah Katushemererwe, Margaret Kabahenda and Saudah Namyalo (Accepted), The nutritive value of selected foods in Uganda Makerere University Press

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