Levis Mugumya

Languages Literature and Communication
Linguistics English Language Studies and Communication Skills
Brief Profile: 

Dr Mugumya is a Senior Lecturer and heads the Department of Linguistics, English Language Studies and Communication Skills at Makerere University. He also assists in the coordination of an Interdisciplinary PhD Research Programme College of Humanities and Social Sciences funded by Gerda Henkel Stiftung. He holds a doctorate from Stellenbosch University, South Africa and an MA in Education and International Development from the Institute of Education, University of London. He also holds a BA in French and English Language Studies from Makerere University. He teaches Applied Linguistics and English Language Studies. His research interests include professional and academic writing, discourse analysis, media genres, evaluative language, and language revitalisation. He has published on various issues, including reporting of land conflict and electoral violence the press; cross-cultural exploration of terrorism narratives; and evolution of Runyankore-Rukiga newspaper genres. Recently, he co-edited a volume titled, Historicising the Humanities at Makerere: Trends, Patterns and Prospects and published The ‘Covid-19 presidential genre’: an exploration of the off-the-cuff rhetoric of fighting the pandemic with John Benjamins Publishing Company. He has been a lead editor in the recently published book by Fountain Publishers Ltd titled, The Promise of Linguistics and Language Studies in Africa. His current research project is titled Preserving and Transmitting Oral Traditions among the Banyankore: the linguistic renditions of Collective and Individual Memories. 

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0464-1898 

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Makerere University
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
P.O Box 7062 Kampala
Email: pr@chuss.mak.ac.ug
Website: https://chuss.mak.ac.ug



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