
Grant Name Principal Investigator Period Unit Department Amount
Integrating Performing Arts to Enhance Teaching/Learning Mathematics in Lower Senior Secondary Schools in Uganda (IPATeLMaSS) Dr Sylvia Antonia Nannyonga-Tamusuza 2020 Liberal and Performing Arts Performing Arts N/A
Mainstreaming Kiswahili in Uganda’s National Agenda for Regional Integration and Sustainable Development Dr Caroline Asiimwe 2020 Languages Literature and Communication African Languages N/A
Managing Occupational Stress among nurses in Uganda. A randomized group comparison of the efficacy of Acceptance and Commitment training Vs. Traditional work site stress management interventions Dr Khamisi Musanje 2020 Psychology Educational Organisational and Social Psychology N/A
Many peoples, many cultures, many heritages: Going Beyond nature-based tourism in Uganda Dr William Wagaba 2020 Languages Literature and Communication European and Oriental Languages N/A
National Symbols and Values: Implications for Patriotism and National Development Dr Paddy Musana 2020 Liberal and Performing Arts Religion and Peace Studies N/A
Rebuilding the Moral Infrastructure of the Youth in Uganda: Nurturing a new Generation for National Transformation Dr Peace Musiimenta 2020 Women and Gender Studies Women and Gender Studies N/A
Refugee Entrepreneurship and Skilling for Self-Reliance (RESS-R) Dr Martin Baluku 2020 Psychology Educational Organisational and Social Psychology N/A
Scaling the use of ICT to increase agricultural production, marketing and financial services to farmers and agribusiness through a network of mobile enabled village agents Dr Stella Neema 2020 Social Sciences Sociology and Anthropology N/A
Transforming Ugandan Folktales in Digital (Animation) Films for Educational and Leisure Purposes Prof. Dominica Dipio 2020 Languages Literature and Communication Literature N/A
Whole University Approach: Kicking Sexual Harassment out of Higher Education Institutions in uganda Prof. Grace Bantebya 2020 Women and Gender Studies Women and Gender Studies N/A

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Makerere University
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
P.O Box 7062 Kampala



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