

Invitation to NAI Book Launch - "Gendered Institutions and Women’s Political Representation in Africa"

You are hereby invited to a Webinar hosted by The Nordic Africa Institute (NAI)

During this webinar, a new book 'Gendered Institutions and Women's Political Representation in Africa' will be launched. The book explains the uneven developments on the continent with selected case studies of both the 'success cases' and the less successful cases from different regions.

During the course of the last three decades efforts of democratisation and institutional reforms have characterised the African continent including demands for gender equality and women's political representation. As a result, some countries have introduced affirmative action measures either in the aftermath of conflicts or as part of broader constitutional reforms whereas others are falling behind this fast track to women's political representation.

Date: 25th March 2021

Time: 14:00 – 16:00 (UTC+1)

Platform: Zoom

Attendance by registration, register here:

Link to the book:

For more information about the programme and speakers, please see attached invitation.

Thursday, March 25, 2021 - 14:00
Event Venue: 
The Nordic Africa Institute
Contact Information: 
Camilla Leetmaa, Event and Communications Administrator - The Nordic Africa Institute/ P O Box 1703, SE¬-75147 Uppsala, Sweden/Phone: +46 18 471 52 83 (direct)/Cell phone: +46 70 167 96 83/Phone: +46 18 471 52 00 (switchboard)/ Diana Höjlund Madsen/ Email:

Teaching Phase I: 8 Feb - 28 Feb

Year 1

On Campus Enrolment, Registration & Orientation (22-27 Feb)
Year 2

Online Studies


Final Year Students

Online Studies


All Students on Health and Veterinary Sciences Programmes; All Architecture and 4th Year Agriculture

Online Studies


Monday, February 22, 2021 - 12:45 to Sunday, February 28, 2021 - 17:00
Event Venue: 
Makerere University
Contact Information: 
College Academic Registrar

Invitation to the Fourth CHUSS Research Dissemination Seminar: Historicizing Humanities at Makerere University since 1922 (Humanities@Mak100)

The Principal, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) invites you to the fourth Research Dissemination Seminar on Humanities@Mak100 scheduled for Thursday, 17 December 2020. The research project is funded by the Andrew W Mellon Foundation in New York. It critically historicizes and interrogates the past and current positionality of the disciplines of Humanities and Humanistic Social Sciences at Makerere University. The Project’s goal is to re-examine the basis and significance of humanities and humanistic social sciences at Makerere University from a historical perspective. The next dissemination seminar will feature the following research project presentations:
1. Resilience amidst Crisis of Relevance: Reflecting on History at Makerere University – Dr Pamela Khanakwa
2. Tracing the Trajectory of Religious Studies at Makerere University - Dr Christine Mbabazi Mpyangu
3. Historicizing Archaeology in the academy. The case of Makerere University – Dr Elizabeth Kyazike
Chair: Dr Patrick Mangeni
Venue: E-Learning Room, CTF1, Level4
***Virtual participation
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Thursday, December 17, 2020 - 08:30
Event Venue: 
E-Learning Room, CTF 1, Level 4
Contact Information: 
1. Dr Levis Mugumya, Programme Administrator/ Email: / Phone number: Tel: +256772475807/+256702475807 2. Ms. Catherine Kirumira, Project Administrator/Email: Phone number: +256752665071

Invitation to participate in CHUSS Research Fellows' Workshop

The Principal, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) cordially invites you to participate in the College Research Fellows workshop (conversations on decolonization and afro-feminism) scheduled to take place on Friday, 11th December 2020 starting at 8:00am in Senate Conference Hall, Level four, Senate Building. The research is supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in New York.

Virtual participation

Except the research fellows and a few other participants that will be attending physically, the rest of you are requested to register and participate online.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

See programme, abstracts and event flyer below.

Friday, December 11, 2020 - 08:00
Event Venue: 
Senate Conference Hall, Level 4, Senate Building
Contact Information: 
Dr Nabutanyi Fred Edgar, Coordinator The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Gerda Henkel Stiftung projects/Emails:,

Third Research Dissemination Seminar: Historicizing the Humanities at Makerere University since 1922 (Humanities@Mak100)

The Principal, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS),  invites you to the Third Research Dissemination Seminar on Humanities@Mak100 scheduled for Thursday, 10th December 2020. The research project is funded by the Andrew W Mellon Foundation in New York. It critically historicizes and interrogates the past and current positionality of the disciplines of Humanities and Humanistic Social Sciences at Makerere University. The Project’s goal is to re-examine the basis and significance of humanities and humanistic social sciences at Makerere University from a historical perspective. The next dissemination seminar will feature the following research project presentations:

1.Philosophical Scholarship in Makerere University Over the Years: Challenges and Opportunities- Prof. Edward Wamala

2. Political Theory at Makerere University Since 1949: Internationalization or Africanization?- Dr Syvestre Edward Kaweesi

3. Birth of Women Studies @ Makerere University: A Thorny Path and Joy- Prof. Grace Bantebya-Kyomuhendo

***Chair: Dr Julius Kiiza

To join and participate in the meeting, here is the registration link:

*** Virtual participation

Please note that the seminar will be blended. Only a few participants will attend physically. The rest are requested to register and participate online.

Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Thursday, December 10, 2020 - 08:30
Event Venue: 
E-Learning Room, CTF 1, Level 4
Contact Information: 
1. Dr Levis Mugumya, Programme Administrator/ Email: / Phone number: Tel: +256772475807/+256702475807 2. Ms. Catherine Kirumira, Project Administrator/Email: Phone number: +256752665071


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