School of Languages, Literature and Communication

School of Languages, Literature and Communication

Tushirikiane General Meeting

This is to announce that the General Meeting for Tushirikiane will be held on Friday.

The agenda for the meeting will be:

1. Prayer
2. a) Communication
    b) Reactions
3. a) Reading of previous minutes
    b) Reactions
4. Presentation of the Constitution and By-laws

Friday, May 27, 2016 - 02:30
Event Venue: 
Upper Block, Room 2 (UB 2), former Institute of Languages
Contact Information: 
Contact Boaz through

Invitation to the Launch of a documentary film - Rainmaking: A Disappearing Practice

The Department of Literature in collaboration with Ma’di Culture and Development Foundation cordially invite you to the LAUNCH of a documentary film titled Rainmaking: A Disappearing Practice by Assoc. Prof. Dominic Dipio.

See synopsis below

Monday, May 30, 2016 - 06:00
Event Venue: 
National Theatre
Contact Information: 
Dr Susan Kiguli, Head Department of Literature, Mobile Number: +256752842960; Mr Henry Akara Ayias, Secretary MACDEF, Mobile Numbers: +256772590948/0702590948; Assoc. Prof. Dominic Dipio, Email:

Invitation to Mr Cornelius Wambi Gulere's PhD public defence

The Dean, School of Languages, Literature and Communication invites you to Mr Cornelius Wambi Gulere's PhD public defence.

Thesis title

"Riddle and Riddle Discourse in Lusoga Language and Culture: A Performance-Centred Approach"


1. Dr Susan N. Kiguli - Department of Literature

2. Dr Mark Okot Benge - Department of Literature

Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 10:00
Event Venue: 
Humanities Resource Centre
Contact Information: 
Assoc. Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi/ Email: Phone contact:+256414530106; Dr Susan Kiguli/ Email:; Dr Okot Benge/ Email:
File Attachments : 

Invitation to the launch of "Omulanga gwa Lawino" & celebration of Okot p’Bitek’s English version "Song of Lawino" at 50

The Department of Literature, Makerere University in conjunction with the Makerere Institute of Social Research are organising a one-day symposium, scheduled for 18 March, 2016, to celebrate the fifty years of the publication of p’Bitek’s Song of Lawino. The symposium will showcase oral performances, readings, a keynote address and a panel discussion, culminating in the launch of a Luganda translation of Song of Lawino by Prof. Abasi Kiyimba, titled Omulanga gwa Lawino. This event is conceived as part of a larger biennial Departmental initiative of recognising and celebrating Ugandan writing and literary icons who have left indelible marks on the East African literary scene and beyond.  
Song of Lawino is a seminal work that received wide acclaim, engaging critical responses right from its publication in 1966. Before its publication, East Africa did not have any notable written poetry. In effect, the poetic arena in Africa was dominated by West African and South African poets. With the publication of p’Bitek’s Song of Lawino the region added a luminous thread to the fabric of African poetry, captivating the African literary imagination and focusing attention to Uganda and East Africa, and making a major contribution to African Literature.
Guest of Honour: Justice James Ogoola
The programme will be forwarded as soon as it is ready. 
You are all invited
Friday, March 18, 2016 - 08:30
Event Venue: 
Makerere University Main Hall
Contact Information: 
Dr Susan Kiguli, Head Department of Literature, Email: Dr James Ocita, Lecturer, Department of Literature, Email:

6th Annual East African Communication Association (EACA) conference


The Department of Journalism and Communication, Makerere University (Mak) in conjunction with the Department of Mass Communication, Uganda Christian University (UCU) will co-host the 6th Annual East African Communication Association (EACA) conference on 26th - 27th August, 2016. The conference is typically hosted by a journalism and communication training institution, and in 2016, it will be will be hosted at Makerere University. The conference intends to provide a forum for free exchange of ideas on the key issues and directions affecting the media and communication industry in the region and beyond. This conference will be held in the midst of the East African Community (EAC) regional integration project which has been galvanising efforts towards the formation of a renewed and solid regional bloc in East Africa. The conference will bring together trainers, scholars, researchers and practitioners from around the East African region and beyond.


The papers presented at the conference will provide a strong basis for understanding the role and place of the media and communication in these efforts and will further provide a critical cornerstone in the thinking about how integration projects of this kind affect and impact on media and communication as an industry, and as instruments of social change.


Background and context

Regional integration has undoubtedly become a core issue to sub-regional and continental development in Africa. Now, more than ever, African leaders recognise the need for integration on the continent. At the same time, theory and experience have proved the underlying importance of media and communication in social processes—such as peace building, regional integration and economic growth—that underpin sustainable development. A free and independent media and communication sector allows dissemination of information, as well as open discussion and debate. One example of this is how functional research and debate on media and society have brought to light the crucial role that the media have to play in intra-regional trade, strengthening regional arrangements, visibility as well as linkage between regional member states through creating an information community. A vibrant and strong media and communication sector, for example, could potentially draw the attention of the public and policymakers attention to policies that address regional issues and thwart regional challenges to growth and development, just as a weak one could do the opposite. As East African countries advance on the road to regional integration, the role of the media and communication sector will be vital. Thus, considering media and communication in this context raises the important question: (How) Is the media playing its role in regional integration?

Scholars have also proposed and investigated a view of integration and regionalisation as having strong direct and indirect opportunities and risks for the development and operation of the media and communication sector. There are many questions pertaining to such opportunities and risks, but the most common ones address issues of content, media convergence, ownership and the regulatory environment. The conference will discuss these and related issues with regard to media operations in the East African regional context.


Overall, the aim of the conference is to examine media and communication developments from the perspective of the East African integration project. Thus, the focus on media and communication: the age of regionalism is not only linked to the media and communication's potential to contribute to, but also benefit from regional integration in East Africa.  



It is expected that the conference will generate a variety of analytical papers and presentations. The presentations made during the conference will be summarised in a conference report. In addition, it is expected that several of the presentations will be published in peer reviewed regional and international journals. In addition, the conference is expected to stimulate public debate and discussion on the role of the media and communication in the regional integration project and the importance/influence of the EAC on the growth and survival of the media and communication industry. A dedicated link will be incorporated onto the Makerere Department of Journalism and Communication website and UCU’s Mass Communication site to host the proceedings and outputs of this conference so that the conversation can continue after the conference.


Expected Impact

The conference's is expected to give greater publicity to issues of the EAC, especially policies and initiatives in the area of media and communication, and to raise the profile of the same across the region. This is expected to mobilise efforts that will support and sustain reforms in the region for the integration project in general and the media and communication industry in particular.


Call for Abstracts

Abstracts are invited in any of the following (or related) thematic areas. It is preferred that the scope of the papers be related to Africa, but not necessarily limited to Africa.

  1. Media and Communication Development in the East African Community and beyond.
  2. Media, communication and regional integration in East Africa and Africa.
  3. Media legislation and regulation in the context of regional Integration.
  4. Media and communication as business in a regional integration context.
  5. Media and digital migration in East Africa and beyond.
  6. Media and freedom of expression in a changing regional environment
  7. Opportunities and innovations in building capacity for changing media and communication environment in a regional context.
  8. Social change communication in the context of regional integration.
  9. Development and role of indigenous language media in Africa.
  10. Strengthening Public Relations in the East African Community

Guidelines for Submission

Prospective delegates and authors should submit abstracts of between 250 and 300 words to The submission to be sent as an attachment (word format) should clearly indicate the title of the paper, author name(s) and contact details, including phone, institutional affiliation and email address; as well as a short biography/biographies of the authors.

Panel Discussions

Prospective delegates are invited to propose topics for panel discussion within the overall theme of the conference. Abstracts for these should include: (i) a title; (ii) motivation of not more than 300 words; (iii) a brief description of each panel paper, and (iv) a full list of participants with their telephone, email contacts and biographies. All other abstract formatting guidelines apply.

Policy-makers and industry participants are especially encouraged to submit panel proposals.

Guidelines for submission of full papers

Full papers may be submitted in soft copy following the same format as the abstract. Papers should be between 6000 and 8000 words. Submit to Please note that while submission of a full paper before the conference is highly recommended, it is NOT a pre-requisite for participation in the conference.

Key Dates:

  • Abstract submission: 15th April, 2016
  • Notification of abstract acceptance: 5th May, 2016
  • Delegate registration deadline: 1st August, 2016
  • Conference dates: 26th -27th August, 2016


Delegates may enroll immediately to become members of EACA at an annual fee of $35 for students and $30 for others.

Membership benefits include connection to a wide and diverse network of scholars, mentoring and peer review opportunities on EACA journals.


•        Registered EACA members- $25

•        Non-EACA members-$35

•        Corporate (10 members at the minimum)-$20 for each member

•        Students-$20

Important Note: The conference will be held at Makerere University main campus. All registered delegates will be given further logistical information  concerning recommendations for accommodation, transport and meals.


Friday, August 26, 2016 - 08:00 to Saturday, August 27, 2016 - 16:00
Event Venue: 
Makerere University
Contact Information: 
Dr. Aisha S. Nakiwala | Convener

Invitation to Simon Peter Ogodia’s PhD defence

The Dean, School of Languages, Literature and Communication cordially invites you to attend Mr. Simon Peter Ogodia's PhD Defence

Thesis title

"Performace of Ateso Oral Narratives"


1. Assoc. Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi,

Department of Literature

Makerere University

2. Assoc. Prof. Dominic Dipio,

Department of Literature

Makerere University


Thursday, November 5, 2015 - 11:00
Event Venue: 
UB 4, School of Languages, Literature and Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (Former Institute of Languages)
Contact Information: 
Assoc. Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi/Dean, School of Languages, Literature and Communication/ +256414530106

Invitation to Ms. Aisha Nakiwala Sembatya’s PhD defence

The Dean, School of Languages, Literature and Communication cordially invites you to attend Ms. Aisha Nakiwala Sembatya’s PhD defence.

Thesis title

 “Rethinking Health Communication to Address Social Contextual Barriers to Malaria Control in Uganda”


1. Assoc. Prof. Monica B. Chibita,

Department of Mass Communication

Uganda Christian University

2. Assoc. Prof. Leonor Camauer,

Department of Media Studies and Communication

Orebro University, Sweden 

Monday, November 2, 2015 - 11:00
Event Venue: 
UB4, Former Institute of Languages
Contact Information: 
Assoc. Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi/Dean, School of Languages, Literature and Communication/ +256414530106

Annual Media Convention 2015

The Department of Journalism and Communication at Makerere University will host this year's Annual Media Convention to discuss the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in enhancing development in the country and region.

 The Conference is expected to attract practitioners, scholars, policy makers, researchers and students in the field of journalism and communication as well as institutions, civil society organizations, Government regulatory bodies and corporates actively engaged in ICTs, Journalism and Communication. The convention shall provide opportunities for members to share and gather experiences for improving and advancing Journalism and communication with a critical focus on the role played by the new media.

Theme: “New media, ICT and Development”: Driving a new era of productivity and growth of Journalism and communication in the East African region.”

The keynote will be delivered by Engineer Godfrey Mutabaazi, Executive Director of the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC).

Guest of Honour - Hon. David Bahati, Minister of State for Planning - Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development

 See Final Programme below

Thursday, April 30, 2015 - 09:00
Event Venue: 
Makerere University Main Hall
Contact Information: 
Dr. Annette Kezaabu - Mobile: +256778888184; +256700964144 or email:

Call for papers: The 2nd Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies Conference

The Department of Literature, Makerere University in conjunction with the Department of English at Stellenbosch University, South Africa will host the 2nd Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies Conference as a follow-up of the East Africa at 50: A Celebration of Histories and Futures, held at the University of Nairobi in September 2013. The Conference will take place at Makerere University from 20th-22nd August, 2015. The initiative targets and invites literary and other cultural studies researchers and scholars, artists, journalists, and other cultural producers, who are interested in the greater Eastern Africa to reflect on the forces of nationalism, transnationalism, regionalism, transculturalism, globalism, geo-politics, mobility and other cultural processes that have been evolving in the region over the last millennium.

We invite abstracts (of no longer than 250 words) for papers that engage with the topics and issues above and related concerns. Preference will be given to those with strong Eastern African themes. Email your abstract to by 28th February, 2015.

See detailed call for papers in the attachment below

Thursday, August 20, 2015 - 08:00 to Saturday, August 22, 2015 - 08:00
Event Venue: 
Makerere University
Contact Information: 
Dr Susan Kiguli/ Head, Department of Literature/Email:

Invitation to the launch of Dr Aaron Mushengyezi and Dr Dominic Dipio’s books

On Friday 31st October, 2014 the Department of Literature, School of Languages, Literature and Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences will launch two books written by two of its members: Dr. Sr. Dominic Dipio and Dr. Aaron Mushengyezi.

The books to be launched are: Oral Literature for Children: Rethinking Orality, Literacy, Performance, and Documentation Practices (Rodopi Press, 2012) by Dr. Aaron Mushengyezi and Gender Terrains in African Cinema (UNISA Press, 2014) by Dr. Sr. Dominic Dipio. Both books are products from the American Council of Learned Societies/African Humanities Program which offered fellowships to both scholars (authors) in 2009.

Dr. Mushengyezi’s book offers a remarkable effort at documenting, translating and analyzing texts for children from the Ugandan oral context. The book avails texts in four selected Ugandan languages as well as English. It presents a significant pioneering summary of Ugandan Orature for children and further enriches the debate on oral-written interface in African orature.

Dr. Sr. Dipio’s book is a unique and thought-provoking contribution to the field of African film studies. It analyses the gender relations around three categories of women: the girl child, the young woman, the elderlywoman and their male counterparts as depicted by male African filmmakers from black Africa. The book nuances the discussion of African feminism in relation to Western feminism.

You are all invited to attend the launch that will take place in Senate Upper Conference Hall, Level 4 starting at 2:00pm. The Guest of Honour will be Mr. James Tumusiime, the Managing Director of Fountain Publishers Ltd.

We look forward to your presence.

Note: The book reviews and final programme shall be sent as soon as they are ready.

Friday, October 31, 2014 - 02:00
Event Venue: 
Makerere University Senate Upper Conference Hall, Level 4
Contact Information: 
Dr Susan Kiguli/ Head Department of Literature/ Email:


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