School of Languages, Literature and Communication

School of Languages, Literature and Communication

Celebrations to mark 30 years of Makerere Department of Journalism and Communication

For the last 30 years, the Department of Journalism and Communication at Makerere University has been involved in the training of a critical mass of journalism and communication professionals. Over the years, we have expanded our academic programmes from bachelors to masters and doctoral degree awards. We have also been involved in cutting-edge research and publishing in the fields of media, journalism and communication as well as community outreach. We are currently one of the recognised UNESCO Centres of Excellence in journalism training on the African continent. Many of our alumni continue to serve at national, regional and international levels and have greatly impacted the journalism, media and the communication industry.

Makerere University Department of Journalism and Communication is set to commemorate ‘30 years of advancing journalism and communication professionalism’ through a series of activities. These include:

1) PUBLIC LECTURE, Thursday 26th September 2019 starting at 9:00am, Makerere University Main Hall. This event is open to the University community and the general public.

The keynote address for this lecture will be delivered by Dr. Riob Ayub, a proud alumnus and current Director General of Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation on ‘Journalism and Communication Education in the Era of Privatisation, Commercialisation and ICTs vis-a-vis African Democracy and Development needs’.

2. FUNDRAISING DINNER, Friday 27th September 2019 at Hotel Africana starting at 6:00pm.

The dinner will be hosted by the ICT Minister, Hon. Frank Tumwebaze. Proceeds from this dinner will go towards refurbishing and equipping a Multimedia Production Resource Centre at a cost of four hundred thirteen million shillings (413M). This Centre will house a Campus Television studio, radio production studios and a computer lab, to be used mainly in the training of students, and for improving the communication function within the University.

In addition, Prof. Monica Chibita the Dean- Faculty of Journalism, Media and Communication at Uganda Christian University, Mukono, will deliver a keynote address on ‘Access to information for good governance’ at this dinner. A dinner table for 10 guest goes for One million five hundred (1,500,000/=) shillings only and individual entry is One hundred and fifty thousand (150,000/=) shillings only. We invite all alumni, friends and well-wishers to be part of this noble cause.


Monday, September 23, 2019 - 08:00 to Friday, September 27, 2019 - 06:00
Event Venue: 
Makerere University Main Hall, Hotel Africana
Contact Information: 
Dr. Adolf Mbaine – Email:; Tel: +256.782.396551; +256.700.208195/Dr. Fred Kakooza – Email:; Tel: +256.756.854520/Ms. Marion Alina Olga – Email:; Tel: +256.772.922777/Mrs. Harriet Sebaana – Email:; Tel: +256.701.639602

Spanish Pedagogical Day

Spanish is a relatively new subject at Makerere though this is the only University offering it for adult beginners in Uganda. Little information is currently available on the benefits of Spanish Language and on the employability potential for Spanish Graduates.

Since the approval of the Subject in 2014, Spanish has not had a public launching informing the Secondary Education Sector of its relevance in the current continental and global job market as well as its utility in development. The Department of European and Oriental Languages (DEOL) has therefore organized a Spanish Pedagogical Day at Makerere University on 13th September 2019 so as to formally launch the Spanish Subject. Activities to mark the Day will take place in CTF1 starting at 2:00pm and will be presided over by representatives from the Spanish Embassy in Uganda.

You are all invited to participate in activities to mark the day.

Friday, September 13, 2019 - 02:00
Event Venue: 
Central Teaching Facility 1 (CTF1) near School of Social Sciences
Contact Information: 
Dr Edith Natukunda - Togboa, Head, Dept. of European & Oriental Languages, CHUSS, Makerere University/Tel: +256414530106/ Email:

Annual Media Convention 2018/2019

The Department of Journalism and Communication, Makerere University will host the Annual Media Convention (AMC) on Thursday, 25th April 2019 in the University Main Hall.

Theme: Communicating Science in the Social Media Age: Sharing Technical Information from Researchers with the Public

Guest of Honour: Hon. Dr. Elioda Tumwesigye, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation

Focus of the Convention

This year’s Convention focuses on knowledge exchange between journalists and communication professionals with the research institutions that generate the vast science for the public, who are largely the primary beneficiaries of the technical knowledge. It will provide opportunities for participants to share and gather experiences for improving and advancing journalism and communication with a critical focus on the role traditional and social media platforms play in disseminating scientific information in society.

Expected participants

The AMC 2018/2019 is jointly funded by the Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI) and the Science for Development Network (SciDev.Net) and is expected attract journalists, communication professionals, scholars and students in the field of journalism and communication as well as participants from science/research institutions, civil society, policy makers and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

Objectives of the AMC 2018/2019

  1. To discuss how journalists cover science and technology in Uganda
  2. To identify the challenges in communicating science in Uganda
  3. To deliberate on the role of communication officers in science communication
  4. To analyze the role and impact of social media in communicating science and technology
  5. To chart ways of improving the quality of science journalism and communication in Uganda
  6. To find ways of inspiring academics and other researchers to involve in science dissemination and to stimulate public involvement in science

NB: The Department of Journalism and Communication has held the AMC since 1998. The annual event is aimed at providing a forum for discussing emerging issues relating to media in Uganda and beyond.

See programme below

Thursday, April 25, 2019 - 08:00
Event Venue: 
Makerere University Main Hall
Contact Information: 
1. Dr. Ivan Lukanda, Co-convener/ Tel: +256.705.740844/Email: 2. Mrs. Marjorie K. Niyitegeka, Co-convener/ Tel: +256.776.672000/Email:
File Attachments : 

Invitation to Prof. David Rubadiri’s Memorial Symposium

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences through the Department of Literature is organizing a symposium to celebrate the life and work of Prof. David James Rubadiri. The symposium will take place on 12th October, 2018 from 2:00pm-6:00pm in the University Main Hall. It will feature speeches, a panel discussion on the life and works of Prof. Rubadiri, performance of his poems, and screening of a short documentary film on his life.

The Principal, Prof. Edward K. Kirumira, cordially invites you all to the event.

Brief about Prof. Rubadiri

Prof. Rubadiri was an iconic literary scholar who spent his formative years in Uganda, where he attended Kings College Budo and later studied at Makerere University graduating in 1955 with a Bachelors degree in English Literature and History.

He rose through the ranks to become a professor in literature. He was a renowned literary scholar, celebrated poet, playwright and novelist. He was among the original professors that Makerere University’s legacy was built upon.

Friday, October 12, 2018 - 02:00
Event Venue: 
Makerere University Main Hall
Contact Information: 
Dr Okot Benge, Head Department of Literature, Makerere University/Email: +256752374343, +256772374343

Invitation to Ms Alice Rwamo’s PhD public defence

The Dean School of Languages, Literature and Communication invites you to Ms Alice Rwamo’s PhD public defence.

Thesis Title: The Effect of Early Multiple Language Literacies on Learners’ Metalinguistic Awareness: A Cross-Linguistic Study

Supervisor: Prof. Ruth Mukama

See abstract below

Wednesday, April 18, 2018 - 10:00
Event Venue: 
Humanities Resources Centre, Arts Building
Contact Information: 
Dr Aaron Mushengyezi, Dean, School of Languages, Literature and Communication/ Email:,

Humanities and Social Sciences Symposium

Makerere University, College Of Humanities and Social Sciences Symposium 

Theme: The Humanities And Social Sciences In The Age Of Disruptions: Policy Challenges, Praxis Benefits And Intellectual Engagements

Venue: Makerere University Main Hall

6th March 2018 



Labelled useless, with reducing funding and numbers, one would be right to argue that the Humanities and Social Sciences face an existential threat at the crusp of the Fourth Industrial Revolution that is characterised by fluidity and change — when stable and predictable reality is under threat from “disruption”. Defined as the destabilizing impact of, especially information mediated reality on account of advances in social media and the Internet, the Fourth Industrial Revolution has had a profound impact on humanity’s way of doing things, especially knowledge production. Even if one were to discount the contributions of African Scholars and centres of knowledge production in antiquity such as the libraries and universities at Alexandria, Fez and Timbukutu, there is no denying the role of the African Humanities and Social Sciences scholars in distilling the modern African condition. What comes to mind easily are the African Philosopher Kings of the Anti-Colonial movements such as Nkwame Nkurumah and his Pan-African dream, Leopold Sedar Senghor and his theory of Negritude, Julius Nyerere and his postulations about African Socialism and of recent, Thabo Mbeki and his African Renaissance vision. The work of the Philosopher Kings has been complimented by scholars at African premier academic institutions on the continent such as Walter Rodney and his idea of the scholar as someone who uses his intellect and academic tools to solve societal problems at the University of Dar es Salaam, Ali Mazrui and his idea that a scholar is someone fascinated by ideas at Makerere University to mention but a few. That these scholars had a profound impact on African peoples and societies is not in doubt. It can also be argued that they inspired the next generations of African Philosopher Kings and intellectuals. The case in point is that Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni and Ugandan scholar Mahmood Mamdani who studied under Rodney at the University of Dar es Salaam should have been influenced by him: for one to launch a protracted people’s war (Museveni) and the other to theorise African political thought in the decolonisation dispensation (Mamdani). Similarly, the vibrant scholarly discourse in Kampala in the 1960s under the aegis of Transition Magazine that formulated the neoliberal impetus in the greater Eastern African Region, it could be argued, could be attributed in part to the work of Ali Mazrui.

There is no doubt that Humanities and Social Sciences scholarship has variously contributed to the theorisation and conceptualisation of the African condition at the various epochs of the continent. Consequently, it is probably to suggest that they still have a role to play in the new milieu aptly called the Fourth Industrial Revolution. However, it should be noted that they are facing incredible pressure from STEM — Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and vocational disciplines that have an explicit trajectory of return on investment in education. The impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has been seen in all fields such as business, politics (note the claims that fake news allegedly instigated by Russia won Donald J Trump the American presidency). However, the utmost impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has been in education and knowledge production, consumption and dissemination as global society transits into an information polity. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a Janus-faced reality. On the one hand, it offers Humanities and Social Sciences disciplines in African universities an opportunity to reinvent themselves and survive, on the other hand it can accelerate their demise if they do not embrace change.

Given the established image of a Humanities and Social Sciences scholar as a quintessential public intellectual, it could be argued that the world needs Humanities and Social Sciences now than ever. This is largely because a Humanities and Social Sciences scholar is one who possesses a “particular kind of pessimism of the intellect that questions everything, stays curious and is not afraid of self-reflection, uncomfortable questions, or where the evidence takes” him/her (Kelly 2017: 12) or someone who exhibits an “unwavering commitment to the power of collective resistances and optimism of will” (Kelly 2017: 11). Granted, the Humanities and Social Science scholar is working in a complicated environment characterised by disruption, globalisation and neoliberalism — a context that demand that he/she deploys new tools of social analysis, let alone pose different questions. However, it can be argued that following in the footsteps of Ugandan Mahmood Mandani and Cameroonian Achille Mbembe, who have done tremendous work of African political thought by focusing on decolonisation; Ghanaian Kwame Antony Appiah whose theorisation of Afropolitianism and Identity has unearthed profound insights into who is a modern African subject; Nigerian Oyeronke Oyewumi whose work on African feminism has delineated a purely African essence of gender, Ugandan Sylvia Tamale who has theorised African sexuality as well as Malawian Thandika Mkandawire and Ugandan Augustus Nuwagaba who have professed important truths on poverty and how this ill can be tackled by African governments, the African Humanities and Social Sciences scholar of the future needs to demonstrate how his or her curiosity and intellectual labour can distil profound insights about perennial African problems. These scholars should not only question everything and be unafraid of self-reflection on the insights they can unearth but they should also always be optimistic of how research and scholarship in their areas of specialisation can envision a better African society. It can be argued that in the new and fascinating dispensation aptly named the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Humanities and Social Sciences training that can inculcate a curiously and courageously questioning mind is indispensable.

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences with support from Garda-Henkel Stiftung brings together eminent African Humanities and Social Sciences scholars, practitioners and policy makers/implementers to debate how the important trajectory of Humanities and Social Sciences engagement with issues affecting the African polity can be extended into the Fourth Industrial Revolution milieu. Cognisant that new tools and methods of analysis are needed, and that Humanities and Social Sciences Scholars need to pose a whole set of new questions, mindful of the threats that these disciplines face in the world ruled by information but strengthened by a long tradition of Humanities and Social Sciences’ leadership in providing answers to perennial problems affecting the world, this symposium seeks to pose the following questions. In what ways are Humanities and Social Sciences indispensable in the Fourth Industrial Revolution milieu? What new tools and methods are necessary in the new context of Humanities and Social Science scholarship of Africa? What are some of the pertinent questions about Africa that Humanities and Social Sciences scholars should pose at this moment? How can the African academy harness the tools of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to centre Humanities and Social Sciences in search of answers to the most important questions facing Africa in the 21st century? How should the Humanities and Social Sciences be taught, researched and their insights disseminated to benefit Africans in the contemporary era? These questions remind us of the traditional role of the African Humanities and Social Sciences scholarship in shaping the public intellectual as either someone who is fascinated by ideas (Ali Mazrui), or someone who solves societal problems (Walter Rodney).

Details in the download section below

Tuesday, March 6, 2018 - 08:00 to Wednesday, March 7, 2018 - 16:45
Event Venue: 
Makerere University Main Hall
Contact Information: 
Dr. Edgar Nabutanyi | Email:

Launch of a report on world trends in freedom of expression and media development

The Department of Journalism and Communication with UNESCO will be launching a report on world trends in freedom of expression and media development. Please see full program in the attachements sections. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018 - 14:00 to 17:00
Event Venue: 
Senate Tele-Conference Room – Level 2
Contact Information: 
Gerald Walulya - Or Marion Alina -

Launch of a documentary film: WORD CRAFT, by Prof. Dominic Dipio

The Department of Literature will launch a documentary film titled, Word Craft, directed by Prof. Dominic Dipio. The documentary focuses on the important subject of WORD as what defines and shapes human relationship in its everyday and specialized usages. This documentary is timely because central as it is, often, the WORD has not been given the attention it deserves. The Department of Literature is among the disciplines that prime the value of Words in society. All of us are, one way or the other, affected and influenced by words. The film is a forum to raise awareness about this important instrument in our hands, which we at times do not use appropriately.

This is to invite you to attend the launch scheduled for 9th November 2017, in the Tele-conference Hall of the Directorate Quality Assurance (Senate Building), Makerere University. The event will run from 2-5 p.m

Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 02:00
Event Venue: 
Tele-conference Hall of the Directorate Quality Assurance (Senate Building), Makerere University
Contact Information: 
Prof. Dominic Dipio, Department of Literature, Email: Mobile number: +256772821373; Mr Isaac Tibasiima, Department of Literature, Email: Mobile number: +256752837191/+256837191
File Attachments : 

Public talk on ‘Media Ethics in the Digital Age’

The Department of Journalism and Communication will host the Director of Voice of America, Amanda Bennette, tomorrow, 19th April 2017 to address students on "Media Ethics in the Digital Age".  The event will take place in the University Main Hall at 2:30pm.

About Amanda Bennett: She is a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, investigative journalist and editor and was name Director of the Voice of America in March 2016. Through 2013, she was Executive Editor, Bloomberg News, where she created and ran a global team of investigative reporters and editors. She was also cofounder of Bloomberg News’ Women’s project. She was editor of The Philadelphia Inquirer from June 2003 to November 2006, and prior to that was editor of the Herald-Leader in Lexington, Kentucky.

See full biography below

Wednesday, April 19, 2017 - 02:30
Event Venue: 
Makerere University Main Hall
Contact Information: 
Dr William Tayeebwa, Head, Department of Journalism and Communication/ Email:
File Attachments : 

The 2016 Annual East African Communication Association (EACA) Conference

Makerere University Department of Journalism and Communication will host this year’s EACA conference on Friday, 26th-Saturday, 27th August. The opening ceremony will be held in the Food Science Conference Hall starting at 9:00am.

Guest of Honour: Hon. Frank Tumwebaze, Minister of Information Technology and Communications 

The objectives of the conference include:

i)   Building partnerships and harnessing regional synergies for capacity-building for changing media environments in Africa and

ii)  Providing a forum for a free exchange of ideas on the subject of media and communication in the age of regionalism.

The East African Communication Association (EACA) was established in 2011. It brings together scholars, researchers and others involved in communication studies to share research on the media in the region. 

See details below

Friday, August 26, 2016 - 09:00 to Saturday, August 27, 2016 - 04:00
Event Venue: 
Grand Global Hotel - Sir Apollo Kaggwa Road
Contact Information: 
Dr Nakiwala Aisha Sembatya, Lecturer and Programmes Coordinator, Department of Journalism & Communication/Cell: +256 772 516078/ Email:


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